Message from @Ares

Discord ID: 683685813363539983

2020-03-01 14:39:33 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:39:39 UTC  

Just observing

2020-03-01 14:39:47 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:39:56 UTC  

@Ares A mixed system would be prefarable. We can have equal rights, but the rights don't need to extend to sex. Or rather, sex shouldn't really be an issue of "rights", it should be controlled through culture and shaming.

2020-03-01 14:40:34 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:40:35 UTC  

I agree with that, but I'm just saying that's what they're going to say (and have said)

2020-03-01 14:40:40 UTC  

Don't need to make it outright illegal for a thot to be a thot. It's quite enough to shame her for her thotty ways.

2020-03-01 14:40:42 UTC  

Like that's the number 1 argument you hear

2020-03-01 14:40:51 UTC  

How do you counter it?

2020-03-01 14:41:11 UTC  

When they say why can men do it and women can't

2020-03-01 14:41:37 UTC  

@Ares Well I just point to biology and statistics.

It's a bigger challenge for men to get sex. It's not a challenge at all for women.

2020-03-01 14:41:38 UTC  

If you just say "cause that's how things are" you won't convince anyone

2020-03-01 14:41:55 UTC  

Also men produce a near infinite amount of sperm. Women produce a limited amount of eggs.

2020-03-01 14:42:16 UTC  

Yes okay I think that one is a good point

2020-03-01 14:42:32 UTC  

Also it's not as if women only get the short end of the stick in this.

2020-03-01 14:42:41 UTC  

I once brought it up at uni when we had an SJW professor from abroad talking about some bullshit

2020-03-01 14:42:49 UTC  

And someone said women can freeze their eggs

2020-03-01 14:43:01 UTC  

Yeah they can

2020-03-01 14:43:08 UTC  

And I was like okay but how many actually do that

2020-03-01 14:43:18 UTC  

The fact that they produce a limited amount of eggs also make women and their eggs a scarce resource.

Meaning that when it's time to do all that heroic, self-sacrificial dying during wars and other catastrophes, it befalls the men to sacrifice their lives to save the women.

2020-03-01 14:43:20 UTC  

And can you expect that of women

2020-03-01 14:43:35 UTC  

Yes I agree

2020-03-01 14:44:26 UTC  

Cant we just fucking kill all the women

2020-03-01 14:44:37 UTC  

So we get the benefit of being able to sleep around as much as we are able, without being considered bad or immoral people for it.

But we have to pay for that privilige by volunteering to die when we're ever faced with a situation of having to choose between risking our own lives or risking the lives of women.

I'd say it's a fair trade.

2020-03-01 14:45:29 UTC  

Idk about that argument. They can say ok we'll fight too then

2020-03-01 14:45:38 UTC  

And women can't sleep around without being branded as sluts.

But at the same time, women get to opt out from wars without ever being branded cowards.

2020-03-01 14:45:41 UTC  

This is why we must end all females

2020-03-01 14:45:43 UTC  

Women legitimately have no soul

2020-03-01 14:45:58 UTC  

Once women have had sex with more than one man

2020-03-01 14:46:05 UTC  

They are gonners

2020-03-01 14:46:21 UTC  

There are men that don't mind if a woman's been around

2020-03-01 14:46:26 UTC  

Like Destiny

2020-03-01 14:46:27 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:46:36 UTC  

It aint about the man not minding you spaz

2020-03-01 14:46:46 UTC  

Its about the woman losing their soul

2020-03-01 14:47:04 UTC  

@Kazza That's not really true. Women can make mistakes too. Or their man might just end up dead. Doesn't destroy them for every man forever.

The issue lies with mentality. If the woman sleeps around not even caring that she's wasting eggs purely for the sake of personal gratification and pleasure.

2020-03-01 14:47:10 UTC  

Hitler was a man ergo all men want to gas poles

2020-03-01 14:48:13 UTC  

Men can be pretty relentless and immoral in their pursuit of sex, to the point where they fool women into believing that they're being real husband material, only to disappear faster than you can spit as soon as the woman gets pregnant.

Deadbeat dads and whoremongerers are a thing. Can't fault women for that.

2020-03-01 14:48:16 UTC  

@svarozhyc on a scale from 1-10 how cringe do you find this conversation

2020-03-01 14:48:29 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:48:32 UTC  

>implying men dont want to gas poles