Message from @m3zmr

Discord ID: 553811886697873410

2019-03-09 05:29:13 UTC

Same here

2019-03-09 05:29:19 UTC

I was a sponsor too lol.

2019-03-09 05:29:21 UTC

Mods are idoits

2019-03-09 05:29:26 UTC


2019-03-09 05:29:36 UTC

Retarded shit. Some guy told me join

2019-03-09 05:29:44 UTC

So why not

2019-03-09 05:29:51 UTC

Then ban

2019-03-09 05:29:53 UTC

@m3zmr Check the chargeback guide on reddit.

2019-03-09 05:30:05 UTC

Fuck u

2019-03-09 05:30:05 UTC

GG @m3zmr, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-09 05:30:18 UTC

Pussies charge back

2019-03-09 05:30:19 UTC


2019-03-09 05:30:22 UTC


2019-03-09 05:30:25 UTC

Ice alt detected

2019-03-09 05:30:27 UTC


2019-03-09 05:30:29 UTC


2019-03-09 05:30:31 UTC

m3zmr is a alt

2019-03-09 05:30:34 UTC


2019-03-09 05:30:37 UTC

Ban me

2019-03-09 05:30:40 UTC

Fuck u

2019-03-09 05:30:43 UTC


2019-03-09 05:31:02 UTC

Rxxyan is a bitch ass

2019-03-09 05:31:05 UTC


2019-03-09 05:31:09 UTC


2019-03-09 05:31:13 UTC


2019-03-09 05:31:15 UTC

I will appear when you're sleeping

2019-03-09 05:31:18 UTC

Incel cunt

2019-03-09 05:31:18 UTC

Enjoy death

2019-03-09 05:31:24 UTC

I will enjoy it

2019-03-09 05:31:29 UTC

I'll enjoy yours

2019-03-09 05:31:29 UTC

after i cum in you

2019-03-09 05:31:38 UTC


2019-03-09 05:31:55 UTC

FR I'm leaving this shit stain

2019-03-09 05:33:17 UTC


2019-03-09 05:33:40 UTC

I might buy a switchblade

2019-03-09 05:33:42 UTC


2019-03-09 05:33:43 UTC

Even tho they llegal

2019-03-09 05:33:45 UTC


2019-03-09 05:34:17 UTC

uh oh

2019-03-09 05:34:29 UTC

I went on a DATE

2019-03-09 05:34:35 UTC
