Message from @Hit Me In My Face

Discord ID: 554097828801282059

2019-03-10 00:25:28 UTC

@Trooper not even a mod

2019-03-10 00:25:31 UTC

2019-03-10 00:25:33 UTC

Good answer

2019-03-10 00:25:39 UTC

Instead of the song

2019-03-10 00:25:40 UTC


2019-03-10 00:25:54 UTC

@Bradley they removed my song and promted troll songs for no reason

2019-03-10 00:26:02 UTC


2019-03-10 00:26:05 UTC

I did it <:PogU:532613839712419880>

2019-03-10 00:26:05 UTC


2019-03-10 00:26:06 UTC
2019-03-10 00:26:11 UTC
2019-03-10 00:26:16 UTC

2019-03-10 00:26:21 UTC

Rap Battle in VC in 16 minutes and 24 seconds

2019-03-10 00:26:22 UTC

Nem Pog

2019-03-10 00:26:22 UTC


2019-03-10 00:26:25 UTC


2019-03-10 00:26:31 UTC

Go fuck yourself virgin @yourmicistrash

2019-03-10 00:26:46 UTC

@Hit Me In My Face not even a mod <:haHAA:495080082747031553>

2019-03-10 00:26:50 UTC


2019-03-10 00:26:53 UTC


2019-03-10 00:26:57 UTC

Does that

2019-03-10 00:26:58 UTC

Question nem mod

2019-03-10 00:27:00 UTC

Even mean

2019-03-10 00:27:02 UTC


2019-03-10 00:27:06 UTC

Lolololol Ice isn’t using his liveu because they’ve probably pulled their sponsorship hahahahahahahah

2019-03-10 00:27:08 UTC

I got banned for saying nigger in vc

2019-03-10 00:27:14 UTC

In Asian Andy

2019-03-10 00:27:23 UTC

@angelofdeth retard because you listen to metal <:LULW:522255935566118940>

2019-03-10 00:27:35 UTC

Asian Andy listens to it

2019-03-10 00:27:38 UTC

Might put this nigga in the zoo

2019-03-10 00:27:42 UTC

Who knows

2019-03-10 00:27:45 UTC

@Hit Me In My Face virgins have 0 percent in getting an std <:peeposmile:553629677168754709> <:pepeSmug:495144893727899649>

2019-03-10 00:27:46 UTC

he's retarded

2019-03-10 00:27:57 UTC

@angelofdeth dumbass <:LULW:522255935566118940>

2019-03-10 00:27:57 UTC

Yeah he going to the zoo

2019-03-10 00:28:37 UTC

@angelofdeth you're the grimey part of this server

2019-03-10 00:28:38 UTC


2019-03-10 00:28:50 UTC

I like it that way

2019-03-10 00:28:53 UTC

Keeps it edgy

2019-03-10 00:29:01 UTC
