Message from @YGN Manta

Discord ID: 554142924086968331

2019-03-10 03:24:57 UTC

You should do it

2019-03-10 03:24:57 UTC


2019-03-10 03:25:02 UTC

hi cat <a:meirl:552209798758662146>

2019-03-10 03:25:03 UTC

oof liver pain

2019-03-10 03:25:08 UTC

i missed you <a:hedance:553340075618861069>

2019-03-10 03:25:12 UTC

why liver pain

2019-03-10 03:25:24 UTC

theres some shit going on in other servers im in lol <a:meirl:552209798758662146>

2019-03-10 03:25:30 UTC

anybody ever been so horny it started to hurt :/

2019-03-10 03:25:34 UTC

something idk if its liver

2019-03-10 03:25:38 UTC


2019-03-10 03:25:39 UTC


2019-03-10 03:25:42 UTC

maybe kidney

2019-03-10 03:25:44 UTC

drink water

2019-03-10 03:25:45 UTC

2019-03-10 03:25:46 UTC

beeeeef <a:hedance:553340075618861069>

2019-03-10 03:25:51 UTC


2019-03-10 03:25:54 UTC

I think I’m dying

2019-03-10 03:25:55 UTC

use softpussy

2019-03-10 03:25:58 UTC

Better drink water!

2019-03-10 03:26:02 UTC

<:LeftGayNigga:449417695922880513> <:SS:450978005552988160> <:RightGayNigga:449417718580641833>

2019-03-10 03:26:08 UTC

Yeah sometimes I wake up with raging boners and it hurts

2019-03-10 03:26:09 UTC

you use softpussy

2019-03-10 03:26:12 UTC


2019-03-10 03:26:13 UTC

i cant

2019-03-10 03:26:13 UTC


2019-03-10 03:26:17 UTC

always stay hydrated if you’re in pain

2019-03-10 03:26:19 UTC

are you pissing blood? @KodakSad

2019-03-10 03:26:20 UTC


2019-03-10 03:26:22 UTC

2019-03-10 03:26:23 UTC

i can send big version

2019-03-10 03:26:27 UTC

<:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>

2019-03-10 03:26:30 UTC

ok buddy

2019-03-10 03:26:38 UTC


2019-03-10 03:26:43 UTC

2019-03-10 03:26:48 UTC

2019-03-10 03:26:48 UTC


2019-03-10 03:26:56 UTC


2019-03-10 03:26:58 UTC

i’m aware

2019-03-10 03:27:00 UTC

2019-03-10 03:27:00 UTC


2019-03-10 03:27:05 UTC

Smelly nigger