Message from @nwplusa

Discord ID: 554370819447324682

2019-03-10 18:30:03 UTC

What's that @meg

2019-03-10 18:30:03 UTC


2019-03-10 18:30:08 UTC

my ip adress

2019-03-10 18:30:10 UTC

@nwplusa oh that sucks

2019-03-10 18:30:10 UTC


2019-03-10 18:30:12 UTC


2019-03-10 18:30:21 UTC

Sum1 vc

2019-03-10 18:30:29 UTC

@nwplusa send nudes then

2019-03-10 18:30:38 UTC

I can make my screen go ooowoooo I'm gonna flash for a second

2019-03-10 18:30:50 UTC


2019-03-10 18:30:51 UTC


2019-03-10 18:31:03 UTC

2019-03-10 18:31:09 UTC

who has a xbox

2019-03-10 18:31:20 UTC

kanye x hippo

2019-03-10 18:31:22 UTC

2019-03-10 18:31:23 UTC

@meg you have Xbox?

2019-03-10 18:31:24 UTC

oops i leaked myself <:pepeSmug:495144893727899649>

2019-03-10 18:31:27 UTC


2019-03-10 18:31:32 UTC

i want a switch

2019-03-10 18:31:35 UTC

2019-03-10 18:31:43 UTC

@Balga yea dude, during the relay though he kept telling me that wasn't good enoygh and dont wear certain things even though other girls could and he even kept me home becuase he didnt want to be seen by me, that fucked me up really badly. i wanted to kill myself at that point becuase i was assigned to the black race that everyone hated so much

2019-03-10 18:31:43 UTC

Buy Xbox so we can play

2019-03-10 18:31:53 UTC

No buy ps4 so we can play

2019-03-10 18:31:53 UTC

can't even afford a nintendo

2019-03-10 18:31:53 UTC

I will buy one in may

2019-03-10 18:31:55 UTC

<:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842> <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>

2019-03-10 18:31:56 UTC

i have an xbox

2019-03-10 18:31:57 UTC

2019-03-10 18:32:04 UTC


2019-03-10 18:32:09 UTC

i wouldnt

2019-03-10 18:32:14 UTC

@meg wyd

2019-03-10 18:32:25 UTC

leak me hippo

2019-03-10 18:32:30 UTC


2019-03-10 18:32:31 UTC


2019-03-10 18:32:34 UTC


2019-03-10 18:32:35 UTC

she prob was reading my dms on phone to find out i was cheating, thats breaking my private space, thats unforgivable

2019-03-10 18:32:37 UTC


2019-03-10 18:32:40 UTC

did you save it

2019-03-10 18:32:44 UTC


2019-03-10 18:32:45 UTC

@nwplusa that sucks boo you should go out more and go clubbing and slay bitch 💅

2019-03-10 18:32:49 UTC

why not