Message from @emma swatson

Discord ID: 554427641550077996

2019-03-10 22:16:23 UTC

i don’t have friends irl

2019-03-10 22:16:24 UTC


2019-03-10 22:16:32 UTC

timezones exist are yall mentally five

2019-03-10 22:16:35 UTC

i did but one hates me and the other one is eh

2019-03-10 22:16:37 UTC

Alexis didn't even go on a date loool

2019-03-10 22:16:41 UTC

I have friends I just dont call them or see them

2019-03-10 22:16:42 UTC
2019-03-10 22:16:46 UTC

or hear from them

2019-03-10 22:16:48 UTC

its next weekend

2019-03-10 22:16:55 UTC


2019-03-10 22:16:58 UTC

Kitty big plans soon

2019-03-10 22:16:58 UTC

Lexi id be ur IRL friend <:uwu_inlove:552294341394038785>

2019-03-10 22:16:59 UTC


2019-03-10 22:17:03 UTC

I'll dm in 5 hrs

2019-03-10 22:17:06 UTC


2019-03-10 22:17:09 UTC


2019-03-10 22:17:13 UTC

Two fat bitches

2019-03-10 22:17:15 UTC


2019-03-10 22:17:27 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:29 UTC

.remindme 5hrs esex lol

2019-03-10 22:17:30 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:33 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:33 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:34 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:39 UTC

ily2 bbg @lexi

2019-03-10 22:17:41 UTC

where is josef

2019-03-10 22:17:43 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:43 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:45 UTC

<:pepeLove:495099856940171285> <:pepeLove:495099856940171285> <:pepeLove:495099856940171285>

2019-03-10 22:17:46 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:51 UTC

being a piece of shit as usual

2019-03-10 22:17:52 UTC

j o s e f

2019-03-10 22:17:53 UTC
2019-03-10 22:17:58 UTC

whats goody mama

2019-03-10 22:18:01 UTC

@grandma tell veno im jacking off over her ass

2019-03-10 22:18:02 UTC

okay im fr gonna clean my room now

2019-03-10 22:18:09 UTC


2019-03-10 22:18:10 UTC
2019-03-10 22:18:11 UTC
2019-03-10 22:18:12 UTC
2019-03-10 22:18:15 UTC

clean your room