Message from @Hildegard
Discord ID: 392509703491420160
Perhaps more on philosohpy?
national socialism and the religion of nature - A. Pois.
Directly ties NatSoc and the natural law
wheres race mixing
Hitlerist National socialism is simply the eternal laws of the universe and nature applied to the world of Man - eternal truth. Hitler stated himself that NS is not a political theory
I need evidence that blacks are inherently more violent and agressive than whites, independent of IQ. There is a study regarding this, but I'm having trouble finding it.
Yeah, that might be it, can you send me a link? @Horse#7321
That's something like it
I need everything you can get me on the fed. Well sourced stuff preferably. I need it for a power point presentation.
Federal Reserve @Hildegard
My apologies for using @everyone , but I have searched for hours and hours and have come up dry. I am looking for the following books on pdf, ePub, etc. Any common format is fine, I’ll just convert it to pdf.
- *A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind* by Stephen Goodson
- *Hitler & Himmler Uncensored* by Veronica Clark & Wilfried Heink
- *Barbarossa* by Alan Clark
- *Odyessy Adolf Hitler* by Mike Walsh
- *Napoleon Bonaparte: An Intimate Biography* by Vincent Cronin
tried page 2 of google?/s
@Deleted User I’ve tried google, library genesis, Pirate Bay, and archive
What do you mean by /s
i was trying to upload a different picture, so dont ask
But anyways, if anyone can find those books, just dm me the file or post it on the server and tag/dm me the channel you put it in
@Deleted User main library, go top right and search for "clark" she will come up with the book
ill see to get the rest of the ones you requested
Thank you! @Hildegard
Anytime 😄
@Deleted User search on Torch