Message from @Faust
Discord ID: 468965064452603904
I'm here for the win!
@Deleted User is that from the Family Research Institute?
They're not a white Nationalist Group
They're just a bunch of Christian fundalmentalists
@Deleted User. Did you write that pamphlet?
On 1c, marriage to animals should be added. How can we deny human rights to all humanoids? Koko the Gorilla can use sign language, therefore she could consent to a marriage.
On #2, I would have attacked the meaning of the word discrimination, because having good discrimination used to be considered a noble virtue. Now it is considered immoral, yet people dont have another word to replace positive discrimination.
No I didn't write it
It was probably written by a christian fundalmentalists
Oh that explains it. There are some arguments that are just a little off.
@Manstein Idk for sure but it is a Wewelsburg Archives publication
Most likely from some Ironmarch guy
Well, it already starts rather awkward.
1a and 4c, for example.
11a conflicts with the idea of 9a.
Marriage is state-sanctioned for social benefits, but somehow it's fair to deny that to certain citizens, it doesn't sound compatible.
7b is, uh... lame. Tons of people display animal behavior because we **are** animals.
Oh yeah, I'll be hitting one of them library folks later for a book upload, mainly saying this now so I force the moral duty upon myself.
After all, I'd hate saying I'll do something cool and not do something cool.
the only redpill is the varg pill
What do you guys think about natsocs who get tattoos?
I'm not much of a fan of certain tattoos, but I don't mind a small amount that doesn't severely interfere with the image.
To me, if people want to turn their body into a canvas, they might as well carry a canvas around, it's lighter and less expensive.
Well, maybe not lighter.
Yeah but what about like the tattoos neonazis take?
kk groot hakenkruis op je voorhoofd nemen
@Deleted User i only accept tattoos by soldiers and only non-degenerate ones
like runes
I see
They'll look ugly overtime though
runes can be redone really quickly
but tattoos are historically only for the warrior class
sailors / soldiers
not white trash with tribals all over their arms that is degenerate
This is something I'd consider more acceptable and kind of the "limit" of the ink in someone's body.