Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 480464236921880576
Sorry I meant Erika Weiss
Didn't you lile, slit your wrists after WC killed himself, and Sigismund living in a box on an isolated island?
Oh yeah, I mean Preston
Sigismund isn't a real name
You knew his name was Preston Lee Cooper, didn't you?
I have no idea who the hell you are. I never met you.
btw, Erich isn't your real name, too,right?
If so, then what is?
You don't want me to find the hard way
It was based off a nickname my friend gave me a few weeks ago
I have no beef with you. But I am not who you think I am
I'm 21
the fuck is going on in here?
This Decay thinks I am some 13 year old troll
I have never met this guy before
I have no idea who he is.
but why exactly 13 years?
I don't know
@Deleted User why do you change your pfp so often?
Let me guess, autism?
ten minutes ago it was some HLM dude
then it was a guy with a shirt that said "kill communists"
and now it's that
Must be indesisive
@Deleted User Leave my sister alone, she has never met you and she doesn't know who you are.
I'm the one that invited her.
nah jk
i can't dox
@Deleted User what’s it to you and my pfp
I don’t even talk in this servo