Message from @LeMayorrrrrrrrrrr
Discord ID: 518776285510500362
Wiᛚdfiᚱe ϟϟ#8292 deserted.
Lucian#4729 deserted.
Pipo#5490 deserted.
@Master Sethern marched in.
@Georgeyboy marched in.
kudzu#1758 deserted.
of course
what is up with this current
Not sure
@LeMayorrrrrrrrrrr marched in.
are any of yo people here in a server called valhallah library?
Marcus#7903 deserted.
bubs#1860 deserted.
Koнстaнтин#9919 deserted.
Mr. Squeaky Clean#3128 deserted.
LeMayo2nd#9765 deserted.
Paroos#3678 deserted.
Could y'all please dislike this?
And what would that video be, though? I can't like or dislike something that I have no idea about
@Sterling Its about art in my old school. National socialists made it and now leftists say that its hidden resistance against the "regime"
I'm not sure I get it
Fairy Frogmother#1057 deserted.
ladynightmare#2060 deserted.
Samantha#9351 deserted.
Cree#0381 deserted.
bye felicia 😎
it sees t me that peple could be deserting cus teres no actvity in a file archive server
I could say "nigger" every 24h
just another instance where people are sheep doing everything they do fr entertainment
do that
say nigger every 24 hours