Message from @DaVe
Discord ID: 528348964349542400
I'm an idiot 😜
no worries
@candykittenmeow marched in.
Hello, faggots.
if anyone here is a faggot then that would be you with your avatar and discord nitro
oh, and with your gay name history
>using stutter
fuck OFF cunt
you don't happen to be a femoid do you @candykittenmeow
God I was so sad when they shut down million dollar extreme
and yeah I'm a girl, why does it matter?
ok that explains your homosexual behavior but doesn't justify it
ya whatever
nice firewood
As that one general from The boy in the striped pyjamas said "they smell even worse when they burn"
I am not gay.
Do we have IT guys here?
this happes too often
Okay, new rule
If you ever use "xD" unironically
You secretly love the BBC
And I'm not taking about the company
very nice
looks kinda LARP
Just kick @candykittenmeow
what did I do?
i'd rather ban you @Existence is identity for your le epic name
Definitely a troll