Message from @Fokma(Bonjour)
Discord ID: 278453332589412354
seeing how fucking dumb they are makes me want to punch them even more
geg, yeah
fok we're all circle jerking in voice if you wanted to join
i'm trying to fall asleep
looks like im gonna go to gym in the afternoon
i'll listen in
@Fokma(Bonjour) who was who?
antifaggot meetup
make a folder for these
@DoctorPiss mofo are you over 30
we need to save white race
and u need a wife fucker
@DoctorPiss i'll be ur wingman
mfw white race is meh
kek, several people in here are married @Fokma(Bonjour)
is @DoctorPiss
leave the doxxing to the young uns
get a wifu
tfw life got between you and a qt3.14 latina nursing student
just fuck my shit up
holy crap
I forgot I was in discord
started hearing voices from my headphones
I thought I was going to have to see my psychiatrist sooner than I intended
Alaska girls spit babies out left and right
We need soldiers on the cold front
do your part and start fucking some alaskan girls.
I didn't say you had to look at them, goddamn son Alaskan grils are ugly
I'd rather fuck a moose than most of them.
But we have a duty.
Gonna turn in for the night.