Message from @IAWTP
Discord ID: 496492153221152770
the judiciary comittee has all the powers of the FBI and more. The idea that they'd ask it to be handed to the FBI in the first place is 🙃 , let alone that trump would order it, with the "not to exceed 1 week" language attached... I mean, is he fucking with us?
lol you know what else he said today?
Trump said he's in favor of the FBI greatly expanding the scope... as long as it's consistent with what the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY in the Senate want...
yea, I heard that on the radio earler
rang as something good, even though they said it to make it sound horrible for K, obv.
so I guess the answer is still hopefully yes.... hes just fucking with us.
None of it has to make sense if something juicy turns up in short order on anyone as a result of the new probe. Which ABC agency, i wonder?? hopefully that part's true. Get NSA or MI to dish a CIA plot to the FBI, lol.... I think dc might just freeze in place.
Come on @SpeedyQlivery I believe in you! New Q+..
its a work in progress
@FastJack just letting you know that the bot missed 2308.. let me know if there is a better avenue for these kinds of messages
8ch is under heavy load it seems
Roger that
Roger roger
posted pic above of qpost 2299 since posted its now> 2287 redcross - Evangelical Groups Spending Millions to Drive Social Conservative Turnout for 2018 Midterms
Wow what a day.
1 Oct 2018 - 1:04:47 PM
1 Oct 2018 - 12:50:02 PM
Ford should down for perjury……..
Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.
Think WHY.
Justice K NEVER named.
[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].
FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.
Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.
[RR] involved?
IMHO, that's the initial move, checkmate next.
Key point: `FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.`
most likely the NSA since clowns won't help nobody for nothing
also, who has the totally excessive data silo
So. “When one shirt is not enough two becomes a solution” = Q wants Anons to wear their Q gear under normal shirts and take normie shirt off after they are in.
Can you imagine the scene on live TV
Oh. The bot. Good
Sorry late reply, had a phone call.
It’s ok . We had it already. Thanks though
Gonna make shirts that say “TRUMP 2Q2Q”. There’s 2. It’s sneaky. Just might work
Congratulations @boBBypEEle, you're now level 1.