Message from @Monte Carlo

Discord ID: 538502192446046218

2019-01-25 23:31:43 UTC

how the fuck is she above the scale on when to decide what to deal with a life and when not to

2019-01-25 23:31:44 UTC

Mainly the male

2019-01-25 23:31:47 UTC

just cause she carries it?

2019-01-25 23:31:55 UTC

now you're just trolling

2019-01-25 23:32:01 UTC

how tf

2019-01-25 23:32:05 UTC

yeah idk

2019-01-25 23:32:14 UTC

i was actually trying to debate this properly

2019-01-25 23:32:24 UTC


2019-01-25 23:32:31 UTC

im telling u this guys fucking retarded

2019-01-25 23:32:31 UTC

Ctn it's both of ya'll baby because with the cum where is the babay>

2019-01-25 23:32:38 UTC

You see where I'm going?

2019-01-25 23:33:06 UTC
2019-01-25 23:33:06 UTC

GG @MarkLaws12, you just advanced to level 6!

2019-01-25 23:34:46 UTC

why do i even debate politics when no one here follows politics

2019-01-25 23:34:59 UTC

ah yes

2019-01-25 23:35:03 UTC

ctn the politician

2019-01-25 23:35:06 UTC

it's like arguing with a child why candy is bad

2019-01-25 23:35:11 UTC

but candy is yummmmy

2019-01-25 23:35:26 UTC


2019-01-25 23:35:26 UTC


2019-01-25 23:35:27 UTC


2019-01-25 23:35:31 UTC

god ur fucking cringe

2019-01-25 23:35:38 UTC

Some candy is nasty

2019-01-25 23:36:02 UTC

Like Peppermint

2019-01-25 23:36:13 UTC

yes candy canes are the best

2019-01-25 23:36:19 UTC


2019-01-25 23:36:46 UTC

Anyone here think Burger King gud?

2019-01-25 23:36:51 UTC
2019-01-25 23:38:42 UTC


2019-01-25 23:38:50 UTC

if you like diabeetus

2019-01-25 23:41:14 UTC

Wow they really dont I'd at this chink store

2019-01-25 23:41:23 UTC

Walked in and bought gars

2019-01-25 23:43:18 UTC


2019-01-25 23:43:19 UTC


2019-01-25 23:43:20 UTC


2019-01-25 23:43:21 UTC


2019-01-25 23:43:36 UTC
2019-01-25 23:43:39 UTC
2019-01-25 23:43:42 UTC