Message from @SepTheDepp

Discord ID: 539490686248943654

2019-01-28 17:02:08 UTC


2019-01-28 17:02:09 UTC


2019-01-28 17:02:16 UTC

we need to go back to these times Kamexa

2019-01-28 17:02:18 UTC

aladdin was so good, but my favorite is Hercules

2019-01-28 17:02:25 UTC

u cant

2019-01-28 17:02:27 UTC


2019-01-28 17:02:31 UTC


2019-01-28 17:02:37 UTC

Why are eboys obsessed with Pepe

2019-01-28 17:02:41 UTC

arabs now have 10 iq

2019-01-28 17:02:42 UTC

I actually wanna know why

2019-01-28 17:02:48 UTC

Why are envoys obsessed with u

2019-01-28 17:02:51 UTC

or -10 iq

2019-01-28 17:02:55 UTC


2019-01-28 17:02:57 UTC


2019-01-28 17:02:59 UTC

what's an eboy/egirl?

2019-01-28 17:03:00 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:08 UTC

ok im off i need to study <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>

2019-01-28 17:03:16 UTC

fuck exams

2019-01-28 17:03:16 UTC

what qualifies an individual as such?

2019-01-28 17:03:19 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:22 UTC

Big dice

2019-01-28 17:03:25 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:27 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:29 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:32 UTC

I already took exams

2019-01-28 17:03:35 UTC

pepe is retarded

2019-01-28 17:03:36 UTC

I failed 3 of them

2019-01-28 17:03:36 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:38 UTC

Cause I’m epic

2019-01-28 17:03:40 UTC

hate the meme

2019-01-28 17:03:40 UTC

Being able to make a girl cum thru VC

2019-01-28 17:03:44 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:47 UTC

E w

2019-01-28 17:03:50 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:50 UTC


2019-01-28 17:03:59 UTC

Makes u a e boy

2019-01-28 17:04:08 UTC


2019-01-28 17:04:10 UTC

can I be an eboy

2019-01-28 17:04:11 UTC

Now we got a e man

2019-01-28 17:04:16 UTC

I’m not cute enough to be egirl

2019-01-28 17:04:16 UTC

i've never talked to a girl on the internet like that.