Message from @Ctn

Discord ID: 539651641909968909

2019-01-29 03:42:08 UTC

i’ll tuck all my babs in

2019-01-29 03:42:11 UTC

Nigga y'all Take it easy

2019-01-29 03:42:16 UTC

@Cukie bye luh u

2019-01-29 03:42:16 UTC

wtf are you talking about kat

2019-01-29 03:42:18 UTC

did you guys know that ctn puts underage in their name to attract small children

2019-01-29 03:42:23 UTC

because they are a pedophile

2019-01-29 03:42:24 UTC

@av Nigga

2019-01-29 03:42:27 UTC

Gay ass

2019-01-29 03:42:29 UTC

Naw fr

2019-01-29 03:42:29 UTC

@Joseph speak

2019-01-29 03:42:32 UTC

Take it easy

2019-01-29 03:42:32 UTC

i do it to detract pedo scum

2019-01-29 03:42:33 UTC


2019-01-29 03:42:41 UTC
2019-01-29 03:42:44 UTC

you autist

2019-01-29 03:42:47 UTC


2019-01-29 03:42:49 UTC

You went to laneway right

2019-01-29 03:42:52 UTC

@erebus fuck off im doing soemthinf

2019-01-29 03:42:53 UTC

attract them then expose them

2019-01-29 03:42:56 UTC

thats the one

2019-01-29 03:42:57 UTC

no kat

2019-01-29 03:42:58 UTC

@erebus speak

2019-01-29 03:43:03 UTC


2019-01-29 03:43:05 UTC

i never even mentioned it

2019-01-29 03:43:08 UTC


2019-01-29 03:43:10 UTC

You didn't see clairo??

2019-01-29 03:43:15 UTC


2019-01-29 03:43:15 UTC

if you want to repel pedophiles you should put 42 years old in your name

2019-01-29 03:43:19 UTC

2019-01-29 03:43:19 UTC

fucking autist

2019-01-29 03:43:22 UTC

Finished with NCR

2019-01-29 03:43:25 UTC

I just assumed that's what you were doing in akl

2019-01-29 03:43:34 UTC


2019-01-29 03:43:47 UTC

my mouth is tied!

2019-01-29 03:43:48 UTC

can i send link

2019-01-29 03:43:51 UTC

alright guys i just finished watching all the dog porn on pornhub time to move to xvideos 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅

2019-01-29 03:43:52 UTC

what is he doing here!

2019-01-29 03:43:52 UTC

2019-01-29 03:43:57 UTC


2019-01-29 03:44:07 UTC


2019-01-29 03:44:11 UTC
