Message from @fashyGoyim
Discord ID: 277823157409284097
Who do you consider contraversial? Milo? I am way way to the right in comparison.
(((alt right)))
>When natsocs agree with a crossdressing drug using faggot
I sexually identify as my sister
What a glorious timeline this is
Oh boy.
@D3VNT kek a glorious timeline indeed
@Steven you mean the gay jew that likes to fuck niggers right?
Not onyl do I look better in a dress than Milo
I also don't go for black dick
And I'm not a jew
Kill that ^
what the fuck @Iamawesom
Gabe out of curiosity
why are you direct linking to a commie site?
As an authoritarian what do you think government role in business should be
Specifically with regulation and the like
@D3VNT I'm a Keynesian, but out side of basic things I believe government intervention should be minimal
Well you and I agree on minimalism
directing business and trade towards a healthy area is good, and supporting businesses during hard times, especially ones that are generally responsible and stable
the government should be involved in in most parts of media, if only to keep kikes out @D3VNT