Message from @Cukie

Discord ID: 540367791992209440

2019-01-31 03:07:20 UTC

@Jerry πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… thank you gamer πŸ… πŸ… πŸ…

2019-01-31 03:07:30 UTC

i wonder why pokimane like this

2019-01-31 03:07:31 UTC


2019-01-31 03:07:35 UTC


2019-01-31 03:07:43 UTC

@catass πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… alabama hot pockets

2019-01-31 03:07:45 UTC


2019-01-31 03:07:46 UTC

@erebus. Nigga trying to find a good porno

2019-01-31 03:07:52 UTC

Know any?

2019-01-31 03:07:56 UTC

i got broads in atlants screaming my name im a player called manta 🀰🏿

2019-01-31 03:08:02 UTC

@Cukie we can video chat

2019-01-31 03:08:06 UTC

she like african dicks <:TriHard:494994515665354772> @Joseph

2019-01-31 03:08:08 UTC

@Cukie idk

2019-01-31 03:08:09 UTC


2019-01-31 03:08:11 UTC

@Jerry πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… ive never had hot pockets πŸ… πŸ… πŸ…

2019-01-31 03:08:20 UTC

2019-01-31 03:08:26 UTC
2019-01-31 03:08:41 UTC

@erebus Nigga help me out

2019-01-31 03:08:42 UTC

@catass πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… Really??? The pizza hotpockets are fucking great

2019-01-31 03:09:01 UTC


2019-01-31 03:09:01 UTC

Trying to find some good vids but the acting is trash

2019-01-31 03:09:04 UTC


2019-01-31 03:09:16 UTC

Hell nawwww

2019-01-31 03:09:17 UTC

@Jerry πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… ill look for them next time so i can try them

2019-01-31 03:09:20 UTC

@ded nice

2019-01-31 03:09:29 UTC


2019-01-31 03:09:36 UTC

@catass πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ… πŸ…

2019-01-31 03:09:41 UTC

2019-01-31 03:09:46 UTC
2019-01-31 03:09:50 UTC

Welcome to my server @Antoine Alexander

2019-01-31 03:10:00 UTC

Ima head to bed fams @catass ❀ @erebus. Take it easy

2019-01-31 03:10:09 UTC

@Cukie cya babe

2019-01-31 03:10:10 UTC