Message from @kat

Discord ID: 540734191424372736

2019-02-01 03:20:06 UTC


2019-02-01 03:20:15 UTC

How am I a hoe

2019-02-01 03:20:25 UTC

@kat when arent you one?

2019-02-01 03:20:40 UTC

I'm lesbian??

2019-02-01 03:20:50 UTC

Lesbians can be hoes.

2019-02-01 03:20:58 UTC


2019-02-01 03:21:04 UTC

Girls are so beautiful

2019-02-01 03:21:09 UTC

They are

2019-02-01 03:21:10 UTC


2019-02-01 03:21:12 UTC


2019-02-01 03:21:18 UTC


2019-02-01 03:22:15 UTC

Dude I can't wait to hold her hand again <:pepeLove:495099856940171285>

2019-02-01 03:22:45 UTC


2019-02-01 03:23:20 UTC

Av you know when ur in love and you get butterflies just thinking about them

2019-02-01 03:23:30 UTC

That's me RN

2019-02-01 03:23:38 UTC


2019-02-01 03:24:19 UTC


@kat who is it my guy?

2019-02-01 03:24:37 UTC

She's so beautiful

2019-02-01 03:24:46 UTC

Sunkissed skin

2019-02-01 03:24:55 UTC


2019-02-01 03:25:10 UTC

Her dreams and hopes inspire me

2019-02-01 03:25:14 UTC

|| test ||

2019-02-01 03:25:21 UTC

Hello ctn

2019-02-01 03:25:22 UTC


2019-02-01 03:25:26 UTC


2019-02-01 03:25:36 UTC

Come to the city tonight

2019-02-01 03:25:41 UTC


2019-02-01 03:25:45 UTC

:( ok

2019-02-01 03:25:50 UTC

no eboys want my thighs in exchange for money <:GWcztLOR:398883132087992320>

2019-02-01 03:26:58 UTC

red lip, no

2019-02-01 03:27:09 UTC

high heel, no

2019-02-01 03:27:12 UTC

earrings, no

2019-02-01 03:27:24 UTC

coochie, nO

2019-02-01 03:27:28 UTC

Imagine a woooorld <:pepeLove:495099856940171285>