Message from @🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧LIL GADO🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧

Discord ID: 541090694253510694

2019-02-02 02:59:25 UTC

Don't post that shit

2019-02-02 02:59:33 UTC

pretty nice

2019-02-02 03:00:02 UTC


2019-02-02 03:00:04 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***angelofdeth#5044 has been warned.***

2019-02-02 03:00:19 UTC

I’m gonna say the N word

2019-02-02 03:00:22 UTC


2019-02-02 03:00:22 UTC


2019-02-02 03:00:23 UTC


2019-02-02 03:00:26 UTC


2019-02-02 03:00:31 UTC


2019-02-02 03:00:34 UTC

I did it

2019-02-02 03:00:42 UTC

im gonna shove a straw up my ass and give it to someone

2019-02-02 03:00:43 UTC

One more pic angel and that's a mute

2019-02-02 03:00:56 UTC


2019-02-02 03:01:01 UTC
2019-02-02 03:01:22 UTC

well my image perms are yoinked so

2019-02-02 03:01:27 UTC

in the legion

2019-02-02 03:01:49 UTC

you dont allow outside emotes?

2019-02-02 03:01:58 UTC

@Alpaca what kind of bullshit is this

2019-02-02 03:02:05 UTC


2019-02-02 03:02:28 UTC

Thanks for reminding me

2019-02-02 03:02:31 UTC

dumb nigger server

2019-02-02 03:02:31 UTC

Imma fix that

2019-02-02 03:02:38 UTC


2019-02-02 03:02:39 UTC

thx nigger

2019-02-02 03:02:39 UTC


2019-02-02 03:02:42 UTC


2019-02-02 03:02:43 UTC


2019-02-02 03:02:48 UTC

Bro Ava

2019-02-02 03:02:54 UTC

It was when there was the bug going around that would drags the server