Message from @Ognjenlo

Discord ID: 541228028475211796

2019-02-02 12:04:45 UTC

no its a word

2019-02-02 12:04:48 UTC

Rise up gamers <:FreepyFreepz:540216619029364746>

2019-02-02 12:04:49 UTC

no its not

2019-02-02 12:04:57 UTC

it is a combined one

2019-02-02 12:05:00 UTC

Is it in the dictionary?

2019-02-02 12:05:02 UTC


2019-02-02 12:05:14 UTC

ofc its not but its neither a sentence

2019-02-02 12:05:20 UTC

Thats not how it works @Ognjenlo

2019-02-02 12:05:29 UTC

@Arhippa [bruised asshole] thats not how mafia works

2019-02-02 12:05:48 UTC

U can combine words for an eternity

2019-02-02 12:05:52 UTC

if u want to

2019-02-02 12:05:53 UTC

but give me a fucking word

2019-02-02 12:05:56 UTC

without combos

2019-02-02 12:05:59 UTC

no strings attached

2019-02-02 12:06:01 UTC

It is a word

2019-02-02 12:06:08 UTC

40% of german words are combined

2019-02-02 12:06:29 UTC


2019-02-02 12:06:35 UTC


Is a no combo word lmao, its real real

2019-02-02 12:06:51 UTC


2019-02-02 12:06:52 UTC

It aint long tho

2019-02-02 12:06:57 UTC

Yeah it is

2019-02-02 12:07:00 UTC


2019-02-02 12:07:01 UTC

ok wait

2019-02-02 12:07:03 UTC

for a no string words attached

2019-02-02 12:07:10 UTC

it is long

2019-02-02 12:07:26 UTC

Schokoladenfabrikherstellungsarchitekteur :)

2019-02-02 12:07:37 UTC

chocolate factory

2019-02-02 12:07:44 UTC


2019-02-02 12:08:07 UTC

no its an architect that makes chocolate factories

2019-02-02 12:08:14 UTC


2019-02-02 12:08:15 UTC


2019-02-02 12:08:25 UTC


2019-02-02 12:08:49 UTC

2019-02-02 12:09:13 UTC

I think I'm the one with most roles

2019-02-02 12:09:15 UTC

on this server

2019-02-02 12:09:15 UTC


2019-02-02 12:09:20 UTC


2019-02-02 12:09:24 UTC

Nothing alike

2019-02-02 12:11:36 UTC

if she cant count

2019-02-02 12:11:40 UTC

she's ready to mount

2019-02-02 12:12:08 UTC
