Message from @daltoid
Discord ID: 277138951628652554
he will not divide us
Jew York is not a representation of USA
its like some weird ritual
(((New York)))?
/pol/ blart mall cop?
i couldn't watch people chanting the same shit over and over *or* watch a bunch of idiots go REEE irl
so cringe
Honest question
Why do you guys celebrate sexual deviancy and degenracy?
in the name of "human rights"?
hahahahah well that was one of the btfo chimp outs
""human"" """""rights"""""
/pol/ blart is out slaying conservative poon tang while libcuck is shit posting on discord
Yeh I know Karling
*people should be able to do what they waant maaan*
I see it like this, the Merchant sold you the poison
you goys bought it
At least he's not a weak, lanky nu-male communist
Oi vey, don't you want to have sex with a fish faced feminist? Better be nice to minorities goy
oy vey, you goyim all need to stop being anti-semitic
He'll survive nuclear winter though. Especially since Trump will nuke the world and such.
remember the 11 gorillion
Speaking of goyim
17 gorrillion
what do you think of Black Hebrew Israelites?
I am looking forward to when the rednecks are pushed too far
Shit mayne we wuz choosen people and sheit
and absolutely destroy antifa
24 hundred gorillion
its gonna be hilarious
The holohoax
Texas isn't even real redneck
Lol, Austin isn't Texas. It CaLite
>>>>libcuck calling people weak