Message from @JD
Discord ID: 432303833977192449
yeah it came out rly well i think
and the only people who are going to want to do it arent going to be the shitpost people
im not very present in it. im more like the sidecar co host who keeps it rolling at certain points
we did like 3 topics and the only one i could rly talk about with knowledge is weed/drug culture and how it effects you
ill take a copy jowy
That sounds pretty cool
Would give a listen
Crystal nacht
el black lips
finally finished
check it out
Very nice
I'm listening right now
i need a new mic
and i need to loosen up
Good interview
@Deleted User I thoroughly i enjoyed that, all around good content, keep it up dude!
lol its funny to me that "koz cast" is a thing
oh shid
Wish I could spend all day squatting, drinking sweet rye beer, and eating sunflower seeds
@Dedenga literally nothing is stopping you
No place near me sells kvass
Make it, check out boris on youtube
Kvass recipe
I know how to make it but I can't be arsed
Thats what i ought to do
Drunk kvass before?
Imma make it asap tho