Message from @bkcumbia
Discord ID: 434227163672346625
Imma make it asap tho
It's pretty nice
Used to live near a Lithuanian shop that sold 2l bottles for £1
What's the flavor like
Does it taste like beer
Or kombucha
Tastes like sweet liquid bread
@Deleted User made it myself not too long ago, same recipe
used pumpernickel
the live yeast did wonders for my gut. Drank like three liters in one day, shit liquid for a day and its been nothing but easy shits since then
fuck im getting old
We're all getting old, though I don't know your age
its ok neither do I
Really good editing
The juxtaposition of sampled feel-good car commercial music made into uneasy sound, over cut up entertainment clips made into uneasy visuals
Eez gud
new meme video
@bkcumbia#7998 simply ebin
I liked the poem, it brought it all together
Ah thank you
Came from the heart
I need to focus on growth strategies
to break into the normie market
lil penis head dude
Second pic is so amazing
The black background really is just amazinf
I would make a sticker of that
/lit/ plz vote down