Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 426242558063017984

2018-03-22 04:53:06 UTC  

no, traditional country girls with a twang

2018-03-22 04:53:14 UTC  

oh you mean USA

2018-03-22 04:53:17 UTC  


2018-03-22 04:53:18 UTC  

yeh maybe

2018-03-22 04:53:21 UTC  

white southern girls

2018-03-22 04:53:28 UTC  

i traveled enough, any more traveling will be in canada

2018-03-22 04:53:30 UTC  

are the cutest

2018-03-22 04:53:46 UTC  

im from the "blondest" part of northern california

2018-03-22 04:53:51 UTC  

pretty nice here

2018-03-22 04:53:54 UTC  

still brown

2018-03-22 04:54:00 UTC  


2018-03-22 04:54:06 UTC  

you have to get up intot he moubntains enough

2018-03-22 04:54:13 UTC  

besides a few orientals its almost all white

2018-03-22 04:54:16 UTC  

few mexicans too

2018-03-22 04:54:31 UTC  

i'm sure that california is getting too expensive for a lot of good people

2018-03-22 04:54:33 UTC  

in general

2018-03-22 04:55:26 UTC  


2018-03-22 04:55:38 UTC  

i love the area between the neck and breasts of a woman

2018-03-22 04:55:44 UTC  

prime kissing area

2018-03-22 04:55:44 UTC  

lot of boomers here very typical californians doing the white flight thing

2018-03-22 04:55:45 UTC  

would be so sad watching things go as they have gone these past 50 years

2018-03-22 04:55:50 UTC  


2018-03-22 04:56:00 UTC  

as a californian

2018-03-22 04:56:01 UTC  

so warm and cozy

2018-03-22 04:56:10 UTC  


2018-03-22 04:56:14 UTC  

the wine?

2018-03-22 04:56:15 UTC  

"the city is so much differnet from when i lvied there" is code for "theres tons of mexicans and asians now but i cant say that"

2018-03-22 04:56:29 UTC  

so they move away

2018-03-22 04:56:36 UTC  

they voted for this shit

2018-03-22 04:56:47 UTC  

and got a good economy out of it

2018-03-22 04:56:48 UTC  


2018-03-22 04:56:54 UTC  

we get nothing just high taxes

2018-03-22 04:57:23 UTC  

enjoy the self congratulatory righteousness!

2018-03-22 04:57:26 UTC  

cali looks like ultimate bugman city

2018-03-22 04:57:37 UTC  

hate this fucking place

2018-03-22 04:57:55 UTC  

if taxes and gun laws were dependate more on pop density tho i would be happy as a clam

2018-03-22 04:58:05 UTC  

but i cannot afford to live rurally i have to go urban for a decent paycheck

2018-03-22 04:58:12 UTC  

so that is basically why i tolerate it

2018-03-22 04:58:41 UTC  

feels bad

2018-03-22 04:58:44 UTC  

anyway sorry to vent