Message from @bimp bkt
Discord ID: 429081917015588874
toddler clothes line vs chad fashion line
takes breaks and is inconsistent, loses motivation vs every day disciplined video upload
unhealthy looking jew la creaturas vs 100% fascist blood
That fupa shit thay h3h3 do is retarded
Also they got a dlc in a game I used to play
I mean wtf
he used to be okay
things really went to shit when he started that awful podcast, tho
why the fuck is it in past tense, when you search this D:
Mde dies
Good night sweet prince 😭
I'm gonna grow a mustache
not cutting until next year
typical Italian.
mustache hell
Italian americans seldom had any beard or moustache
Looks like poirot
Gay men have moustaches. Are you telling us something
Maybe ❤
bald guy classic dad stache
bald with stashe i gotta say best oldmode