Message from @pd

Discord ID: 431631942820167712

2018-04-06 01:46:35 UTC  

police came to investigate, nobody saw anything

2018-04-06 01:46:59 UTC  

Cops were a British invention in the 18th century. Before that organized crime groups were respectable in their communities and meted justice as needed

2018-04-06 01:47:13 UTC  

sounds italian

2018-04-06 01:47:26 UTC  

its probably why the yakuza have a big role in japanese culture

2018-04-06 01:47:33 UTC  

The trick was that communities were small so if Mike was a diddler everyone already knew it

2018-04-06 01:47:57 UTC  

Wouldn't work well now outside of towns with more than like 30k ppl I'd imagine

2018-04-06 01:48:05 UTC  

even that is a lot

2018-04-06 01:48:31 UTC  

Yeah but the gangsters could ask around pretty easily about the guy

2018-04-06 01:48:41 UTC  

Nothing like a big city

2018-04-06 01:48:52 UTC  

what is the lowest population you need before anonymity can be achieved in a public area

2018-04-06 01:49:20 UTC  

I would say about 100k

2018-04-06 01:49:29 UTC  

really i'd say much less than that

2018-04-06 01:49:42 UTC  

like a few thousand

2018-04-06 01:49:53 UTC  

Canadian cities are small but if you work a normie job people get to recognize you

2018-04-06 01:50:31 UTC  

My city is much less than that and I never see people from outside work. Still have people recognize me now and then

2018-04-06 01:50:47 UTC  

it's calculable for sure

2018-04-06 01:51:02 UTC  

but i live in a town of ~20k

2018-04-06 01:51:02 UTC  

I'm sure someone has figured it out

2018-04-06 01:51:09 UTC  

i'll calculate my fucking fist in your throat you fucking piece of human garbage

2018-04-06 01:51:14 UTC  
2018-04-06 01:51:14 UTC  

and theres a good chance i'll see somebody i know if i go somewhere in town

2018-04-06 01:51:22 UTC  


2018-04-06 01:51:28 UTC  

your pea brain couldn't calculate that in a 100 years

2018-04-06 01:51:28 UTC  


2018-04-06 01:51:52 UTC  

>not never talking unless it's for dramatic effect like golgo13

2018-04-06 01:52:20 UTC  

There's your problem

2018-04-06 01:53:21 UTC  

i live in a city of 200k

2018-04-06 01:53:39 UTC  

You should be good

2018-04-06 01:53:45 UTC  

oh i know i am lol

2018-04-06 01:54:56 UTC  

i can go to any mall any day and not recognize nor be recognized by any one

2018-04-06 01:55:10 UTC  

You go to malls?

2018-04-06 01:55:14 UTC  

i do a lot of things

2018-04-06 01:55:22 UTC  

actually i did see a girl i went to highschool with on tuesday

2018-04-06 01:55:26 UTC  

in a parking lot

2018-04-06 01:55:30 UTC  

Can't stand them personally. I'm surprised

2018-04-06 01:56:55 UTC  

i also go see movies by myself so

2018-04-06 01:57:10 UTC  

Fair enough

2018-04-06 01:57:29 UTC  

I only go to the mall to people watch and get sick to my stomach

2018-04-06 01:57:53 UTC  

yeah i like to see all the peepole

2018-04-06 01:57:55 UTC  

in the malls

2018-04-06 01:58:23 UTC  

but now there's lots of people that aren't white 🤢