Message from @bkcumbia
Discord ID: 433077834991403018
alone invent them
What about a muf hut repurposed as a water.craft?
no evidences seem to support
A big spear chucked on someones leg,then floating down the river on said 'chucked person?
no african culture ever invented the wheel fwir
niggers haven't even invented domestication of animals nor written language
Are niggers forever stuck in the stone age,but in flashier clothes to stimulate them?
you're connected to the internet
I love gooks<:piss:425575414405267456> <:loggedon:425574981762547714> <:piss:425575414405267456> <:grandma:427509012389560320>
take a dna test and let me know if you're more aryan than me
Im definitely not more Aryan friend-o
then fuck off, nigger
now that we've established chad dominance
me in the middle
Who's on the right?
who cares
first 14 seconds of this video
sums up the whole 6 minute video
Nothing wrong with ba'athism
Ba'athism is an Arab nationalist ideology that promotes the development and creation of a unified Arab state through the leadership of a vanguard party over a progressive revolutionary government. Wikipedia
Arab Ba'ath Movement: 1940–1947
arabism is wrong tbh @Dedenga
I'm not voting conservative anymore
Gonna vote meme party
Libertarian or some shit
Arabs can stay over there
Better for them to have a strong state there than be over here
that's not how they operate
Alec, the man of many cultures and travels
He's traveled across the sahara on a camel's back