Message from @bkcumbia
Discord ID: 433169169182228482
Challah brah 🤘
by the great pubes of zeus
arabs originate from this area
and they are evolved to incest and rape
the virgin arab vs the chad iranian
this is what matters only
muh height though literally
Doubled Down On An All In Bet
What bet
If there was actual racism/sexism/LGBTQTWTFBBQia that was significant enough to overcome someone's competency with regard to a decision to hire them then some other company that wasn't prejudiced would hire that person instead.
affirmative action is backwards nanny state shit
some companies are owned by blacks
or other undesirables
Sorry sega thismust be very embarrassing for you
If turks could even be classified as European Mediterranean, that is......
sega is over 800 yo
Now that Reddit banned rc sourcing, what do u guys use?
literally @Deleted User
What do you like about our approach? What skills and abilities do you believe you can offer
What is it they want to hear?
I mean,i like that they offer an alternative to the pozzed up diversity is our strength that is served up everywhere else
And i like that they support white identity. I am a carpenter though, I dont know what skills i can offer.
I am not a greatly skilled rhetorician, I build houses
But how can i say that without sounding like a cop plant
Are you a member
Damn they dont mince words do they
What makes you say the rest are cucks
Hell yes. Ive found my people