Message from @Mid
Discord ID: 433720405337833477
Thank God you posted that, @Mid I'm glad no one can get filed down now
is that real
Sam Hyde is Dagoth
"Ten years, twenty years, two hundred years... How 'bout i'm doin' none of 'em!"
>112 IQ
that's the joke you dip
Fuck you
We live in a society
60% of mde fanbase
60% of mde fanbase works in retail theft prevention
probably just gets to stop black people all day and search their bags
colossal if true
My god look at him
Guy who canβt do human faces right attempts to court via MDE reference and Nazi flag
That is me
Only alpha enough to have a wehrmacht flag on my amazon history and to make a real tinder acc with my face
I just yeeted on my ex gf who came back into my dms
ignore it
Wait man
You gotta have your niggas back
Even if you didn't know him. A niggas a nigga.
@Le Meme man is that actually you in the photo or are you memeing
I mean the alphamale who asserted his dominance by masturbating to them
@hue nah mane thats not me
K just checking
Lemme facepost real quick
I like how my eyes pop in that one