Message from @Dirk
Discord ID: 434098783564070922
Alec often finds himself cursing at Erdogan
The dumb islamist
Alec knows that Ataturk is rolling in his grave right now
erdogan is treating turkey like its mexico
Alec has protested many times, rigged election after rigged election
He knows that erdogan is selling the country
I think we should make a crowd fund to send alec to turkey
His true home
Alec is Ataturk
@Deleted User welcome back
i didnt go anywhere
white people copulating
where the videogames
We're all just people in our rooms
tfw basement dwellers survive nukes
Take that, real world
Bunch a faggots
Alec survives the nuke but will get instantly shot by a black
dependence on the surface of the earth is unhealthy
fuck krunk magic
black people aren't allowed to say nigga anymore