Message from @Le Meme man

Discord ID: 435436400599367688

2018-04-16 13:43:49 UTC  

Elon musk vs zuckerborg

2018-04-16 13:43:54 UTC  

Smile and agree

2018-04-16 13:44:02 UTC  

Just nod

2018-04-16 13:44:04 UTC  

jeff bezoz elon musk mark zuckerberg apocalypse

2018-04-16 13:44:11 UTC  

He said it's more dangerous than nukes

2018-04-16 13:44:14 UTC  

I agree

2018-04-16 13:44:32 UTC  

I have no mouth; i must scream - by elon musk

2018-04-16 13:44:32 UTC  

Whatever he says, we need him to keep innovating

2018-04-16 13:44:48 UTC  

Suck his gach

2018-04-16 13:44:55 UTC  

For mars trip

2018-04-16 13:45:24 UTC  

If it meant a mars trip id let elon rape me

2018-04-16 13:45:38 UTC  

Inb4 facebook is juvenile AM, zucc is upgrading him for world domination

2018-04-16 13:46:54 UTC  

Musk’s alarming views on the dangers of A.I. first went viral after he spoke at M.I.T. in 2014—speculating (pre-Trump) that A.I. was probably humanity’s “biggest existential threat.”

2018-04-16 13:47:02 UTC  

god what a gay article I'm reading

2018-04-16 13:47:25 UTC  

Haha **its like an episode of BLACK MIRROR** lol xD

2018-04-16 13:47:45 UTC  

no no, the (pre-Trump) garbage they threw in there for no reason

2018-04-16 13:48:06 UTC  

Wait yeah

2018-04-16 13:48:18 UTC  

What does trump have to do with that at all

2018-04-16 13:48:28 UTC  

I hate how bugs interpret black mirror

2018-04-16 13:48:43 UTC  

He added that he was increasingly inclined to think there should be some national or international regulatory oversight—anathema to Silicon Valley—“to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.” He went on: “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.” Some A.I. engineers found Musk’s theatricality so absurdly amusing that they began echoing it. When they would return to the lab after a break, they’d say, “O.K., let’s get back to work summoning.”

2018-04-16 13:48:47 UTC  

Are they implying that trump is now the biggest threat?

2018-04-16 13:48:51 UTC  

Some of the episodes are shitty tho, very unrealistic in the pessimism

2018-04-16 13:49:03 UTC  

that's what the article is trying to put in his mouth retroactively

2018-04-16 13:49:08 UTC  

fucking pricks

2018-04-16 13:49:17 UTC  

I think the netflix episodes of black mirror are kinda shite

2018-04-16 13:49:50 UTC  

The original two seasons felt like the twilight zone + Ray Bradbury

2018-04-16 13:50:15 UTC  

Thats journalism for you. Tesla cars are significantly safer than normal cars yet journalism shits on them

2018-04-16 13:50:21 UTC  

The new ones are just pointless plots with a side of COOL TECH memes

2018-04-16 13:51:38 UTC  

Admittedly, the one where the kid gets blackmailed into delivering the cake and such was interesting, but the fucking punchline of the episode was the dumbest shit ever

2018-04-16 13:51:51 UTC  


2018-04-16 13:52:18 UTC  

The one where the guy tests the virtual reality game that pulls your darkest fears

2018-04-16 13:52:29 UTC  

Then dies because it brainsploded him

2018-04-16 13:52:48 UTC  

All because he didnt turn off his phone, disobeying orders

2018-04-16 13:53:12 UTC  

That was ok too

2018-04-16 13:53:31 UTC  

The one where the country elects the cartoon was interesting, Oprah came to mind

2018-04-16 13:53:32 UTC  

Then there was the lesbian one, what a waste of time watching that was

2018-04-16 13:54:05 UTC  

Having a happy figure for prez

2018-04-16 13:54:28 UTC  

Crowdsourcing assassinations by robot bees was interesting too

2018-04-16 13:54:39 UTC  

Dont we have that on the deep web

2018-04-16 13:54:45 UTC  

Onion sites

2018-04-16 13:54:57 UTC  

Im not convinced those are actually real