Message from @pd

Discord ID: 449611647674351621

2018-05-25 16:10:04 UTC  

Hey now

2018-05-25 16:10:09 UTC  

>not liking brother nathaniel

2018-05-25 16:10:18 UTC  

Lets not get this server nuked with antisemitic remarks

2018-05-25 16:10:54 UTC  

I love jews.

2018-05-25 16:11:18 UTC  

A Jew converting to Christianity is the best thing for them

2018-05-25 16:11:32 UTC  

its true

2018-05-25 16:11:45 UTC  

Cryptojudaism climbing the ranks of jesus' followers

2018-05-25 16:12:04 UTC  

heil odin

2018-05-25 16:12:11 UTC  

well that's a fault of the scofield reference bible

2018-05-25 16:12:19 UTC  

subverting a bunch of evangelicals

2018-05-25 16:17:06 UTC  

As a liberal Jewish Rabbi ,who has been committed to supporting the struggle of African-Americans against racial and economic oppression and other people of color since the age of 15, I am horrified that you have had to endure such hatred. With respect to Louis Farrakhan I think it is perfectly appropriate to use the title Reverend or Minister despite the fact that I vehemently reject his toxic and libelous expression of anti-Semitic bile. This would be the same if I called the demagogic anti-Semitic hatemonger Father Charles Coughlin, or equally hateful Reverend Gerald L.K. Smith whose bile was not only directed at Jews, but at African-Americans and Roman Catholics as well. In more recent history, I would still call the extremist, racist and anti-Semitic firebrand Rev, Billy Hargess, Reverend, and even the Raging Neo Nazi Minister Rev. Joseph Butler by the same title, More to come in a subsequent post.

2018-05-25 16:27:50 UTC

2018-05-25 16:31:44 UTC

2018-05-25 16:33:59 UTC  


2018-05-25 16:34:15 UTC  

dude, what if Elon Musk is an operative for the oil and gas industry

2018-05-25 16:34:39 UTC  

and they're intentionally making cars that blow up to discredit the idea of electric cars

2018-05-25 16:35:12 UTC  

i pity those brave few who will need to die in order to make cars safer

2018-05-25 16:35:26 UTC  

new technology always costs lives

2018-05-25 16:36:02 UTC  

even if elon tesla needs to sacrifice a few virgins

2018-05-25 16:36:10 UTC  

if it gives me a self driving car

2018-05-25 16:36:10 UTC  

I don't actually think it's true but it's a good meme conspiracy theory

2018-05-25 16:36:17 UTC  

I'm sure someone's had the same thought

2018-05-25 16:37:21 UTC  

what kills me is the boomers that say they don't trust a machine to drive a car

2018-05-25 16:37:29 UTC  

but the car is a machine

2018-05-25 16:37:56 UTC  

not really, a car becomes an extension of the self when you're driving it

2018-05-25 16:38:11 UTC  

you could make the same argument about manual vs automatic

2018-05-25 16:38:26 UTC  

how many car accidents are there per year?

2018-05-25 16:38:32 UTC  

like a million probably

2018-05-25 16:38:36 UTC  

Boomers are fuckin gay lmao

2018-05-25 16:38:55 UTC  

way more than there would be with automatic driving

2018-05-25 16:39:10 UTC  

the problem is that the accident conditions would be different

2018-05-25 16:39:29 UTC  

here's the timeline for automatic driving becoming huge

2018-05-25 16:40:06 UTC  

they start using automatic driving assistance with freight

2018-05-25 16:40:25 UTC  

then full automatic driving for freight and taxi services

2018-05-25 16:40:33 UTC  

then it becomes standard in every car

2018-05-25 16:40:43 UTC  

hell yeah

2018-05-25 16:40:55 UTC  

hundreds of the thousands of lives saved

2018-05-25 16:41:13 UTC  

instead of buying a car you pay a self-driving car service $300 a month to shuttle you as needed

2018-05-25 16:41:35 UTC  

machine learning will use optimized maps and pickups to get people where they need to go