Message from @baringo

Discord ID: 456016031832342531

2018-06-12 05:02:53 UTC

2018-06-12 05:32:12 UTC you remember that one kid who told a kid on runescape to kill themselves and he went to jail for it, hes out now.

2018-06-12 05:50:35 UTC  

That is gay

2018-06-12 05:52:02 UTC  

think twice about typing "kys" again cucks

2018-06-12 05:52:07 UTC  

it might just be your last xD

2018-06-12 05:53:00 UTC  

remember when telling someone to kill themselves was actually edgy?

2018-06-12 05:53:10 UTC  

that was the big thing to do on 4chins

2018-06-12 06:24:25 UTC  

Imagine getting arrested for something you said on a video game at like 12 years old

2018-06-12 06:24:54 UTC  

We really have some stupid fucking people in america

2018-06-12 06:25:01 UTC  

Thanks boomers

2018-06-12 07:03:23 UTC  

@Deleted User I would say a good 60% of this country is retards

2018-06-12 07:03:46 UTC  

Then you have smart people in the midwest, northwest and New England

2018-06-12 07:06:42 UTC  

>tfw smarter then everyone

2018-06-12 08:27:51 UTC  

Sam announced two crushpals have been found

2018-06-12 08:28:00 UTC  

And i realized i fucking saw one of em

2018-06-12 08:28:41 UTC  

So for the past like hour or so ive been scrubbing through

2018-06-12 08:29:08 UTC  

And im not convinced half of em exist

2018-06-12 08:44:29 UTC  

ayy is yo mane man da mulado holt

2018-06-12 08:44:39 UTC  


2018-06-12 08:44:54 UTC  

da holt

2018-06-12 10:24:26 UTC

2018-06-12 11:02:27 UTC  
2018-06-12 11:22:52 UTC  

i hate those fucking videos

2018-06-12 11:23:18 UTC  


2018-06-12 11:24:40 UTC  

they was 10 for a dalla

2018-06-12 11:32:14 UTC  

That shit nasty

2018-06-12 11:32:58 UTC  

this woman swears too much

2018-06-12 11:34:10 UTC  

nigga can't do basic math lol

2018-06-12 11:35:50 UTC  

I never thought about browning the ramen though

2018-06-12 11:36:15 UTC  

7 people on that. It's snack tier

2018-06-12 12:24:32 UTC  

I think this is more sad than gross

2018-06-12 12:24:54 UTC  

Like this is essentially what generations of poverty leads to

2018-06-12 12:25:16 UTC  

unhealthy food choices and an ignorant as hell grandma

2018-06-12 12:39:01 UTC  

I'm sorry it's not any less healthy than the shit u eat on a daily basis

2018-06-12 12:39:05 UTC  


2018-06-12 13:00:15 UTC  

Dollar Tree steak

2018-06-12 13:00:20 UTC  

Don't knock it till you try it

2018-06-12 13:34:11 UTC  

I can't imagine how depressing a $1 steak is

2018-06-12 13:37:50 UTC  

Probably incredibly depressing

2018-06-12 13:40:11 UTC  

When in doubt, rice and beans and onions