Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 462715678772822017

2018-06-30 20:19:34 UTC  

that dont want this info coming out

2018-06-30 20:19:48 UTC  

its really amazing

2018-06-30 20:19:56 UTC  

i recommend watching / listening to this

2018-06-30 20:20:43 UTC  

yeah Wikipedia is good for articles that are based on like, straight forward stuff

2018-06-30 20:20:47 UTC  

the pyramids were built atop older structures

2018-06-30 20:20:50 UTC  

like an old car

2018-06-30 20:21:03 UTC  

anything political just goes to shit

2018-06-30 20:21:15 UTC  

every pharaoh would write "We repaired and restored the pyramids"

2018-06-30 20:21:24 UTC  

but the egyptologists would translate it as

2018-06-30 20:21:29 UTC  

"we built the pyramids"

2018-06-30 20:22:00 UTC  

the sphynx up there is heavily repaired and restored

2018-06-30 20:22:25 UTC  

from the neck above is where the land used to be

2018-06-30 20:22:34 UTC  

the rest is dug down

2018-06-30 20:24:30 UTC  

its scary because Robert Schoch talks about the end of the ice age happening with a solar flare

2018-06-30 20:24:51 UTC  

that gave a day of earth quakes, eruptions and lightning everywhere like rain

2018-06-30 20:25:05 UTC  

the people who survived were those who went underground

2018-06-30 20:25:22 UTC  

one underground city is in Turkey, I've been in there more than 10 times

2018-06-30 20:25:37 UTC  

its said that it can hold over 20000 people

2018-06-30 20:26:04 UTC  

i think there's other underground places around the world that were to be safe

2018-06-30 20:27:27 UTC  

Current modern language is tracked back to this area

2018-06-30 20:27:29 UTC  


2018-06-30 20:27:40 UTC  

arent you turkish

2018-06-30 20:27:43 UTC  

yeah half

2018-06-30 20:27:50 UTC  

lived there for 8 years

2018-06-30 20:28:02 UTC  

oh neat

2018-06-30 20:28:23 UTC  

also there's a place thats been discovered called gobekli tepe

2018-06-30 20:29:02 UTC  

it's currently dated back to 10000 BC

2018-06-30 20:29:08 UTC  

that place is really interesting

2018-06-30 20:30:09 UTC  

basically the existence of that place proposes the idea that religion came before sedentary civilization

2018-06-30 20:30:17 UTC  

aka agriculture

2018-06-30 20:30:22 UTC  

when inspected, robert schoch says that the ruins look like they've been repaired or put back together

2018-06-30 20:30:36 UTC  

as if they came along and saw the ruins

2018-06-30 20:30:43 UTC  

and tried to put it back together

2018-06-30 20:32:34 UTC  

a lot of ancient ruins have this pattern, its really odd

2018-06-30 20:32:48 UTC  

so the solar flare theory is super interesting

2018-06-30 20:32:57 UTC  

we've had near misses with solar flare

2018-06-30 20:33:14 UTC  

im gonna look into that

2018-06-30 20:33:18 UTC  

anyways i gotta go