Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 462854441226338304

2018-07-01 05:36:17 UTC  


2018-07-01 05:36:22 UTC  

that was all a farce

2018-07-01 05:36:23 UTC  

Didnt he get a person killed

2018-07-01 05:36:27 UTC  


2018-07-01 05:36:33 UTC  

that was unrelated

2018-07-01 05:36:35 UTC  

Someone tell me what’s going on in here before I get *pissed*

2018-07-01 05:36:35 UTC  

@Deleted User holy shit. got a cap?

2018-07-01 05:36:35 UTC  

how the hell do you trick people into doing that? "hey fam take these pills twice a day forever trust me"

2018-07-01 05:36:47 UTC  

shuaiby or wahtever

2018-07-01 05:37:02 UTC  

@CSPAN something about fucking traps i think

2018-07-01 05:37:06 UTC  

committed suicide on reasons completely unrelated

2018-07-01 05:37:08 UTC  
2018-07-01 05:37:15 UTC  

afaik he was just miserable in life

2018-07-01 05:37:31 UTC  

Ok I’m pissed

2018-07-01 05:37:36 UTC  

just a typical robot

2018-07-01 05:37:45 UTC  

@CSPAN a r9k user named reiko was tricking people into taking hrt by spamming trap threads, and erping with losers and brain washing them to take hrt. And if they didnt he threatened them with blackmail, because as he put it, “wanted to make a trap utopia”

2018-07-01 05:37:55 UTC  

Me too and sad

2018-07-01 05:38:00 UTC  

i met the guy

2018-07-01 05:38:06 UTC  

This is the fourth or fifth time@I’ve heard about this

2018-07-01 05:38:12 UTC  

i can explain

2018-07-01 05:38:18 UTC  

I just did

2018-07-01 05:38:21 UTC  


2018-07-01 05:38:24 UTC  

@Paisley Tell us all about it

2018-07-01 05:38:28 UTC  

liek i said most of it was a farce

2018-07-01 05:38:28 UTC  


2018-07-01 05:38:35 UTC  


2018-07-01 05:38:35 UTC  

reiko was pretty much a troll

2018-07-01 05:38:39 UTC  

@Deleted User whats wrong with that? the frail whites will be members of a trap harem for the aryan predator fam

2018-07-01 05:38:46 UTC  

he never really converted anyone

2018-07-01 05:38:57 UTC  

he just wanted to fill r9gay with trap threafs

2018-07-01 05:39:00 UTC  

thats what he wants you to think

2018-07-01 05:39:10 UTC  

Cease post ironic trap discussion immediately

2018-07-01 05:39:16 UTC  

the people that claimed to have been his victims were working with him from the start

2018-07-01 05:39:29 UTC  

Can we still discuss reiko c soan

2018-07-01 05:39:30 UTC  


2018-07-01 05:39:44 UTC  

Only in context of civcraft

2018-07-01 05:39:45 UTC  

He was a wierd individual

2018-07-01 05:39:56 UTC  

what about in context of minecraft

2018-07-01 05:39:58 UTC  

I had a town in civcraft

2018-07-01 05:40:07 UTC  

because thats where i met him

2018-07-01 05:40:08 UTC  

Pretty decently big