Message from @Dong
Discord ID: 465141571281747971
I just wanna know why then after that I'll accept my ban
But I don't think he can answer cause he knows I'm right
nah that's my super power
Imagine being proud of being autistic
shit good tip
unironic boomer goals
Cut my fucking thumb up
Always my left hand. Never the right
of course the black father is going to leave you
3pm lunch
Just got served by a Japanese chick at the supermarket and she bowed at me and everything
Konichiwa~ outlanda-san!~
She ID'd me because I was buying beer and she bowed when she was handing my ID back. Wtf
white supremacist like you should date her ok
There is a brown chick who works there who is real cute
Rather date her
Damn right
This nigga got desert fever