Message from @Chuck Knoblock
Discord ID: 465133059050831889
@CSPAN it's fun stating the obvious
Ooh. You're in for it now
oh noes
I dunno I would call someone sucking the dick of someone that's barely on or when he is active on the discord a fag
That is usually what homosexuals do
How attractive does someone have to be to be less active than Jowy during his off months but have his cocksickle sucked the second he logs in? That's kinda worrying tbh sounds like he abuses you IRL
Do you need someone to call the police?
Who the fuck are you talking to?
I just wanna know why then after that I'll accept my ban
But I don't think he can answer cause he knows I'm right
nah that's my super power
Imagine being proud of being autistic
shit good tip
unironic boomer goals
Cut my fucking thumb up
Always my left hand. Never the right
of course the black father is going to leave you
3pm lunch
Just got served by a Japanese chick at the supermarket and she bowed at me and everything
Konichiwa~ outlanda-san!~