Message from @RustyShackleford

Discord ID: 466116472507465729

2018-07-10 05:17:34 UTC  

There's always hope. We're all gonna make it.

2018-07-10 05:31:47 UTC  


2018-07-10 05:31:50 UTC  

still white name

2018-07-10 05:31:51 UTC  


2018-07-10 05:33:51 UTC  

@Bearrorist I'm noticing more people in real life reacting to the non-stop anti white shit

2018-07-10 05:34:09 UTC  

people won't openly talk about it (in a liberal city) but they will if you talk to them one on one

2018-07-10 05:34:39 UTC  

And obviously they won't recognize it as anti-white they just think it's some SJW thing

2018-07-10 05:35:36 UTC  

I mean, I would assume most people in here weren't raised redpilled

2018-07-10 05:35:41 UTC  

I sure as hell wasn't

2018-07-10 05:37:52 UTC  

Nah. People aren't gonna be fighting for their race anytime soon. Most people try not to see race. The JQ is an even more taboo topic. But things are improving. We were once "awakened", right? I hope a lot of people will go through the same process.

2018-07-10 05:38:31 UTC  

Yeah that was my thought

2018-07-10 05:38:45 UTC  

I was a bluepilled normalfag for 80% of my life

2018-07-10 05:38:54 UTC  

Raised by liberals

2018-07-10 05:39:04 UTC  

Loved Obama and soy

2018-07-10 05:39:19 UTC  

you loved soy?

2018-07-10 05:39:22 UTC  

I literally thought black people committed more crime because they were oppressed

2018-07-10 05:39:33 UTC  

@Bearrorist I was joking about that part

2018-07-10 05:39:35 UTC  


2018-07-10 05:40:08 UTC  

Lol I thought you drank soylent or something.

2018-07-10 05:40:11 UTC  

My dad went door to door campaigning for Bernie 😢

2018-07-10 05:40:27 UTC  

>tfw your dads a soyboy

2018-07-10 05:40:34 UTC  


2018-07-10 05:41:02 UTC  

But back to my point, if someone as liberal and as cucked as me could become redpilled I think most white men in this country can be redpilled

2018-07-10 05:41:13 UTC  

this is why I have hope for the future

2018-07-10 05:41:16 UTC  

I have it worse
>tfw your grandpa was a 32nd degree mason and a member of the KGB

2018-07-10 05:41:22 UTC  

@Deleted User oh man I have

2018-07-10 05:41:29 UTC  

I brought up race and crime

2018-07-10 05:41:32 UTC  

didn't go so well

2018-07-10 05:41:46 UTC  

Gramps has done some fucked up shit
@RustyShackleford story time?

2018-07-10 05:42:24 UTC  

@Bearrorist Storytime: So I used to argue politics a bunch with my dad a few years ago after I first got redpilled, one day we are walking and he is bringing up one of the recent black shootings

2018-07-10 05:42:35 UTC  

@Deleted User In a masonic ritual or KGB hit?

2018-07-10 05:42:41 UTC  

I say"blacks are arrested and shot more because they commit more crime and resist arrest more"

2018-07-10 05:43:06 UTC  

He tells me that he thinks it's because there is a history of racism in America

2018-07-10 05:43:10 UTC  

holding black people down

2018-07-10 05:43:18 UTC  

this is what causes the crime

2018-07-10 05:43:21 UTC  

@RustyShackleford Uh oh
@Deleted User Basically. He was shit scared of getting purged by Stalin

2018-07-10 05:43:22 UTC  

Whitey made them poor

2018-07-10 05:43:37 UTC  

I just gave up

2018-07-10 05:43:55 UTC  

It almost ruined my relationship with him because this wasn't the first time I brought this up

2018-07-10 05:44:11 UTC  

I told him Mike Brown had a gun

2018-07-10 05:44:13 UTC  

and he was a thug