Message from @CSPAN

Discord ID: 466241122860007444

2018-07-10 13:32:47 UTC

2018-07-10 13:36:49 UTC  

I don't want one with sam hyde written on though

2018-07-10 13:36:55 UTC

2018-07-10 13:39:33 UTC  

That's because I just bucket tooled a black one

2018-07-10 13:40:04 UTC

2018-07-10 13:46:53 UTC  

mite b cool

2018-07-10 13:46:55 UTC  

Anyone else see that mosquito video posted on the mde Reddit

2018-07-10 13:47:05 UTC  

It's so weird but I can't stop watching it

2018-07-10 13:47:24 UTC  


2018-07-10 13:51:21 UTC  

Just a black cap with the white logo

2018-07-10 13:52:30 UTC  

my reddit filter is now at 22 subreddits

2018-07-10 13:55:02 UTC  

don't use reddit

2018-07-10 13:55:12 UTC  

I bask in Reddit degeneracy

2018-07-10 13:55:17 UTC  

My shoes got a little dirty

2018-07-10 13:55:22 UTC  

na reddits great when you filter out the shit

2018-07-10 13:55:24 UTC  

Bring it on bug niggers

2018-07-10 13:55:35 UTC  

@Mid nope

2018-07-10 13:55:40 UTC  

ā‡ less

2018-07-10 13:55:43 UTC  

all gone

2018-07-10 13:55:45 UTC  

hey uh

2018-07-10 13:55:46 UTC  


2018-07-10 13:55:47 UTC  

doing this

2018-07-10 13:56:01 UTC  

How about

2018-07-10 13:56:04 UTC  

Iā€™m not a fed

2018-07-10 13:56:09 UTC  

you are a fed

2018-07-10 13:56:12 UTC  


2018-07-10 13:56:27 UTC  

My town has about a dozen churches

2018-07-10 13:56:39 UTC  

anyone here like smoking untaxed tobacco and firing hand made firearms? šŸ˜‚

2018-07-10 13:56:41 UTC  

i recognize that cloud formation see you soon bucko

2018-07-10 13:56:53 UTC  


2018-07-10 13:57:15 UTC  

anyone here like distilling unregulated moonshine and other strong liquors?

2018-07-10 13:58:30 UTC  

just curious haha

2018-07-10 13:58:45 UTC  


2018-07-10 13:58:48 UTC

2018-07-10 13:58:56 UTC  

Being a Mexican sure is fun

2018-07-10 13:59:31 UTC  

That's the bloody thing about traps! One second, you're having a nice seafood dinner with an attractive female partner, and the next? Oh man, you have the archetypal feminine penis (roughly speaking) being shoved down your throat! Now that's a catastrophe, what do you do about that? One option is just to take it. Keep chuggin' away, man. What the hell else are you gonna do? Another option precludes the member comin' round the bend (from a Piagetian perspective). Now you can't hear it, see it, or taste it! It's wallowed into thin air as far as you're concerned. But you can SENSE it. Oh boy, can you sense it, man. And that's a big problem! It's a problem because in this situation, you have (from a Freudian perspective) BECOME the GIRLFRIEND.

2018-07-10 14:00:28 UTC  

friendly reminder that freud got pretty much everything he theorized wrong

2018-07-10 14:00:35 UTC  


2018-07-10 14:00:52 UTC  

he was the first to ask the questions

2018-07-10 14:00:55 UTC  

but he didnt get em right

2018-07-10 14:00:58 UTC  
