Message from @Mid

Discord ID: 468726538800594944

2018-07-17 10:16:11 UTC  

they could bankroll a small first world country

2018-07-17 10:16:35 UTC  

they could give every single one of their employees from CEO to the janitors a $1 mill bonus and not break a sweat

2018-07-17 10:27:40 UTC  

but they wont

2018-07-17 10:27:58 UTC  

is it just me, but if you had that much money and wanted more theres gotta be something wrong with you

2018-07-17 10:28:13 UTC  

give me 10 million and id be happy for life

2018-07-17 10:28:28 UTC  

id be happy with enough money to buy me a house without a mortgage

2018-07-17 10:28:32 UTC  

that would honestly do me

2018-07-17 10:28:48 UTC  

so like, half a million

2018-07-17 10:29:01 UTC  

if i won the lottery, id buy a decent sized house, enough for my own private room and bathroom, and studio. And rent the house out

2018-07-17 10:29:17 UTC  

so that way im making profit daily

2018-07-17 10:29:30 UTC  

not daily

2018-07-17 10:29:38 UTC  

buy a villa in a nice holiday destination

2018-07-17 10:29:41 UTC  

greece or ibiza

2018-07-17 10:29:48 UTC  

I woudlnt buy a nice car

2018-07-17 10:29:55 UTC  

I think flashy cars are pointless

2018-07-17 10:30:04 UTC  

id buy like a VW Golf lol

2018-07-17 10:30:07 UTC  

something kind of lame

2018-07-17 10:30:43 UTC  

or plan b, go off the grid

2018-07-17 10:30:51 UTC  

somewhere in Alaska

2018-07-17 10:31:49 UTC  

off the grid

2018-07-17 10:31:55 UTC  

keep your lotto money under your mattress

2018-07-17 10:34:49 UTC  


2018-07-17 10:34:54 UTC  

meet a small town girl or something

2018-07-17 10:35:00 UTC  

someone whos brain isnt fried

2018-07-17 10:35:06 UTC  

Convert your lotto money to gold bars and bury them in your garden

2018-07-17 10:36:05 UTC  

Also I've accidentally put a hole in the wall

2018-07-17 10:48:54 UTC  


2018-07-17 10:54:29 UTC  

those people who win the lottery and immediately blow it all on a mansion, cars, and crack are complete retards

2018-07-17 10:57:21 UTC  

yall heard of sadworld?

2018-07-17 10:58:01 UTC  

similar style to world peace

2018-07-17 10:58:37 UTC  

its made by goy who played gibby on icarly

2018-07-17 11:01:30 UTC  

so he got molested?

2018-07-17 11:05:28 UTC  

What's Gibby thinking about?

2018-07-17 11:06:45 UTC  

the anime producers? thinking of something to peddle to pedos and autistic chicks probably

2018-07-17 11:22:38 UTC  

I've already filled the hole @Deleted User

2018-07-17 11:23:37 UTC

2018-07-17 11:24:39 UTC  

Haven't seen him in a week

2018-07-17 11:36:24 UTC

2018-07-17 11:38:08 UTC  

this nigga was born in like 1999

2018-07-17 11:44:11 UTC  

Long living nigga