Message from @lindsey

Discord ID: 542546615408525313

2019-02-06 03:24:30 UTC

So later lmao

2019-02-06 03:24:35 UTC

@vantay πŸ˜΄βœ‚πŸ’‰ thanks for the dick pic

2019-02-06 03:24:46 UTC

nigga i ain’t ever send you shit

2019-02-06 03:24:58 UTC

2019-02-06 03:25:03 UTC

And you didn't send it to me

2019-02-06 03:25:04 UTC

keep tryna play me for a fag

Don't you know when it's a fucking joke @vantay πŸ˜΄βœ‚πŸ’‰

This kids brain is broken

2019-02-06 03:25:33 UTC

iaint play with that gay shi vro vro

2019-02-06 03:25:42 UTC

nigga who the fuck you callin a kid?

2019-02-06 03:25:47 UTC

kuss me

2019-02-06 03:25:49 UTC

kith me

2019-02-06 03:25:53 UTC

ight bet

2019-02-06 03:25:57 UTC

nigga how old is you

2019-02-06 03:26:01 UTC

OMG guys don't fight

2019-02-06 03:26:31 UTC

hey yall

2019-02-06 03:26:33 UTC

2019-02-06 03:26:33 UTC

GG @lindsey, you just advanced to level 7!

2019-02-06 03:26:35 UTC

gimme a kith ywah gimme a kiss i dont wanna miss out on a night like thith

2019-02-06 03:26:42 UTC

damn u 12?

@vantay πŸ˜΄βœ‚πŸ’‰ im 15 in grade 10 and i have more fucking common sense then you and on top of that i have fucking autism

2019-02-06 03:26:59 UTC

ight don’t call me a kid πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

2019-02-06 03:27:05 UTC

weird flex but ok

2019-02-06 03:27:09 UTC

i’m a whole 5 years older than you

2019-02-06 03:27:13 UTC


2019-02-06 03:27:14 UTC

i’ll beat the fuck out of you

2019-02-06 03:27:15 UTC

im 19

2019-02-06 03:27:17 UTC


2019-02-06 03:27:22 UTC

I'm 20 lmao

2019-02-06 03:27:23 UTC

you a bitch?

2019-02-06 03:27:23 UTC


2019-02-06 03:27:29 UTC

what chu you look like

2019-02-06 03:27:38 UTC

lets beat them up together