Message from @Paisley

Discord ID: 488950575552266254

2018-09-11 05:51:44 UTC  

the ahs mods that run r/thebanout2018 or w/e had been plottin somethin big

2018-09-11 05:51:58 UTC  

coordinated report

2018-09-11 05:52:25 UTC  

spammin report on basically evrythin they saw

2018-09-11 05:52:49 UTC  

also they apparently were sendin archive links of posts

2018-09-11 05:52:51 UTC  

>This subreddit is a place to both mock and refute the ideas of subreddits that exist solely to propagate bigotry towards a certain race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, food preference, and the like.

2018-09-11 05:52:53 UTC  

n comments

2018-09-11 05:53:41 UTC  

i like how this againsthatesubreddits says it exists 2 mock subreddits and hate on them

2018-09-11 05:53:43 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:10 UTC  

ye they exist to brigade subs

2018-09-11 05:54:10 UTC  

stop using reddit and voat

2018-09-11 05:54:14 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:23 UTC  

stop usin discord too

2018-09-11 05:54:25 UTC  

exists to hate subreddits of racists who hate them

2018-09-11 05:54:28 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:35 UTC  

if ur gon talk bout shit thats no no hurty wurty

2018-09-11 05:54:37 UTC  

get off of discord this instant

2018-09-11 05:54:38 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:51 UTC  

don't question irrational people

2018-09-11 05:54:54 UTC  

what if we got afaisnthatesubreeddit banned

2018-09-11 05:54:59 UTC  

just unplug from life fam

2018-09-11 05:55:01 UTC  

who cares

2018-09-11 05:55:18 UTC  

stop caring about what some bug warriors do on the internet

2018-09-11 05:55:31 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:55:34 UTC  

I don't care at this point as long as I have access to talk to fellow MDE fans

2018-09-11 05:55:56 UTC  

i used to be an mde fan

2018-09-11 05:56:09 UTC  

wats the point of talkin to mde fans when theres no new content

2018-09-11 05:56:35 UTC  

u gon talk bout how gook food bajel is super funny over n over

2018-09-11 05:56:52 UTC  

what else is there to talk about

2018-09-11 05:57:07 UTC  

idk maybe talk bout somethin w/ real ppl that care bout u

2018-09-11 05:57:17 UTC  

did you know that race war is race war spelled backwards

2018-09-11 05:58:07 UTC  

I do that all day

2018-09-11 05:58:13 UTC  

It's night time though

2018-09-11 05:58:19 UTC  

I like modests pfp

2018-09-11 05:58:33 UTC  

ty paisley

2018-09-11 05:58:44 UTC  

I like yours too

2018-09-11 05:58:45 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:58:56 UTC  

i like ur pfp @nathan h.

2018-09-11 05:59:01 UTC  

thnx fam @nathan h.

2018-09-11 05:59:19 UTC  

I don't sorry

2018-09-11 05:59:24 UTC  

Your pfp hurts my eyes

2018-09-11 06:00:33 UTC  

i like to eat shit