Message from @PROUD RACIST

Discord ID: 488948835574611968

2018-09-11 05:42:26 UTC  

>literally every channel is either images or videos

2018-09-11 05:42:29 UTC  

"the number one" whatre they talking about?

2018-09-11 05:42:29 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:43:33 UTC  

why are you dinguses still trying to use reddit

2018-09-11 05:43:48 UTC  

theres lots there

2018-09-11 05:44:03 UTC  

reddit is bad news

2018-09-11 05:44:12 UTC  

go offline

2018-09-11 05:44:26 UTC  

you mean white power street fights?

2018-09-11 05:44:57 UTC  

>goes on a site full of lefties

2018-09-11 05:45:00 UTC  

>wonders why subreddits keep getting banned

2018-09-11 05:45:19 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:45:39 UTC  

didnt have to make me feel stupid

2018-09-11 05:46:23 UTC  

sorry, it's just voat is better and they allow free speech

2018-09-11 05:46:27 UTC  

it's a no brainer

2018-09-11 05:46:28 UTC  

voat is prolyl ur best bet if u want a reddit exp w/o liberals n lefties

2018-09-11 05:47:00 UTC  

u can go on the 8ch board but dont b a redditor on there

2018-09-11 05:47:32 UTC  

but rn on the board evry post gettin pulled into drama bout sam

2018-09-11 05:47:39 UTC  

mite die down idk

2018-09-11 05:47:54 UTC  

voat is shit

2018-09-11 05:48:02 UTC  

no one will ever use it

2018-09-11 05:48:06 UTC  

same with gab ai

2018-09-11 05:48:17 UTC  

really cuz uh voat is poppin rn

2018-09-11 05:50:09 UTC  

wait so what was straw that got mde banned

2018-09-11 05:50:47 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:51:43 UTC  

calling the founders tennis ape wife a coon prolly didnt help either

2018-09-11 05:51:44 UTC  

the ahs mods that run r/thebanout2018 or w/e had been plottin somethin big

2018-09-11 05:51:58 UTC  

coordinated report

2018-09-11 05:52:25 UTC  

spammin report on basically evrythin they saw

2018-09-11 05:52:49 UTC  

also they apparently were sendin archive links of posts

2018-09-11 05:52:51 UTC  

>This subreddit is a place to both mock and refute the ideas of subreddits that exist solely to propagate bigotry towards a certain race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, food preference, and the like.

2018-09-11 05:52:53 UTC  

n comments

2018-09-11 05:53:41 UTC  

i like how this againsthatesubreddits says it exists 2 mock subreddits and hate on them

2018-09-11 05:53:43 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:10 UTC  

ye they exist to brigade subs

2018-09-11 05:54:10 UTC  

stop using reddit and voat

2018-09-11 05:54:14 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:23 UTC  

stop usin discord too

2018-09-11 05:54:25 UTC  

exists to hate subreddits of racists who hate them

2018-09-11 05:54:28 UTC  


2018-09-11 05:54:35 UTC  

if ur gon talk bout shit thats no no hurty wurty

2018-09-11 05:54:37 UTC  

get off of discord this instant