Message from @Dong

Discord ID: 591031047538343938

2019-06-19 20:31:35 UTC  

the Chinese is gunna sneak ISIS into NASCAR that's why we should cut all of our road funds and dump it into Israel

2019-06-19 20:31:45 UTC  


2019-06-19 20:32:00 UTC  

Finally, someone putting Israel first

2019-06-19 20:57:57 UTC  


2019-06-19 21:46:39 UTC  
2019-06-19 21:52:57 UTC  

Fuck the fairness doctrine

2019-06-19 21:56:25 UTC  

Been exclusively used by lefties

2019-06-19 21:57:35 UTC  

Point is, they've had safeguards and protections; making private companies give airtime to their ideas

2019-06-19 21:58:13 UTC  

And expect us to take libertarian route as they are strong and collected

2019-06-19 22:04:38 UTC  

I want a temple os shirt

2019-06-19 22:06:53 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:06:55 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:07:03 UTC  

why you had to meme terry 😢

2019-06-19 22:07:58 UTC

2019-06-19 22:08:08 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:08:09 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:08:10 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:12:49 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:25:55 UTC  

Would you fuck a Pokémon girl

2019-06-19 22:26:22 UTC  


2019-06-19 22:26:35 UTC

2019-06-19 22:29:51 UTC

2019-06-19 22:33:39 UTC

2019-06-19 22:45:21 UTC  


2019-06-19 23:15:05 UTC  

Hey bud.
It's funny how you forgot to hit that send button. You seem like someone who has a hard time concentrating; no offence, just something I've observed. But you're the first friend to write back! So thanks again :)

Glad to hear that your music therapy is going well. About the blog idea you have: that sounds extremely exciting! Maybe its because of how I view it. I've recently taken it upon myself to become more secure, private and anonymous. Along with this philosophy is the use of open source or free software and staying away from centralized social media websites full of tracking cookies and java scripts up the wazoo. The internet used to be a place where people had their own servers and websites. When you wanted to communicate you emailed someone. This way, you controlled your content and literally owned it, nobody could ban you. So I'm not sure how you're going to go about making your blog but I would highly recommend you find a way to create it yourself. I'm no expert and I haven't made my own blog or website yet, but it's really comfy. Especially if you browse the internet like I do now (like a Y2K kid).

As for my restaurant job with my mom, I'm still helping her but we're looking to sell the place. Business isn't going so well. It's not the end of the world, I read somewhere that 80% of restaurants go out of business by 2 years (might be a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion but you get the gist).

I like your advice about getting rid of toxic things in my life. Even though that word has been used by SJW's in the past, normal people have appropriated it because there's truth to it. The whole subject around taking words that are used by SJW garbage people and turning them into good truth is pretty cool. Credit to them for coming up with it but credit to us for cleaning the shit off of it and polishing it down to a diamond

2019-06-19 23:15:13 UTC  

Terminology and semantics aside, lifesuckers are real. I'm about to get a bit more cringe here by referencing Harry Potter, but those dementors are real. You know those phantoms from the book/movie that would suck energy from Harry Potters' forehead? People do it in so many different ways. In fact, I've been understanding a lot of negative experiences with people lately as full on narcissistic attacks. Normally I wouldn't think like that, but thinking this way sort of boosts my confidence and belief in myself... Which is something I need and haven't had in a while.

Lately I've been like that, I've been saying shit like "I know everything", "fuck the world it can burn I don't care, I care about myself", "take advice from nobody unless they're outstanding". I'm sure you've heard about how in the military, making a decision with absolute confidence is better than being in between decisions and not making one. It's also about being optimistic and let down later on rather than being pessimistic and proven right; I got that from Elon Musk. I don't know, what are your thoughts?

I wish I could relate to your band mate situation haha. Was there something that went wrong with you guys? Did you just fall apart slowly and awkwardly? I'm interested in what happened.

I also have one more thing I want to talk about but I feel like I'm drowning you in all this text. I came upon a picture off of, which I'm not going to use anymore because I've started to read articles and books

2019-06-19 23:15:20 UTC  
2019-06-19 23:15:29 UTC  

I thought it was interesting. What do you think about it? I think there is some massive truth to it that could really help a guy like me. I checked the comments under it, which is something I won't do anymore (gotta develop my own thoughts).

Commenter A: "Teach him pride and honor and he does good for his own soul."
Commenter B: "nodad here, how would i teach my kid pride and honor?"
Commenter C: "I was taught literally "you're better than that", "lying hurts your worth" and "if you dont man the ** up, you dont get to bitch". Then i was taught "you did well, did it feel good to do well? Yeah, thats pride, treasure it."

These words really opened up a new avenue in my soul. I think its because my dad never taught me any of this. He was sort of a shitty guy, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So I went on to understand more about the word pride.

When you search pride on youtube, you get mostly songs with the word pride in it and also pride parade, gay pride. Some minecraft porn and sonic big dick. But there's a decent amount of videos that stick out about THE SIN PRIDE, HOW TO STOP PRIDE, PRIDE AND HUMILITY. I found it odd but now that I think about it, Christians talk about this as a sin because it was heavily written in the bible and they just have to talk about it because it's written. Kind of like how they talk about pagan idols, when there aren't any (real) pagans today.

ANYWAYS, it seems like this is an extremely important value to live by. Instead of living for happiness rewards and dopamine drips, instead of constraining yourself to moral spooks: you live for pride, honor and meaning.

This was a bit of a long one but thanks for taking the time to read my friend. Write back with your thoughts brother. Take care of yourself.

segas email to sadbear

is this what schizophrenia looks like

2019-06-19 23:16:49 UTC  

>n fact, I've been understanding a lot of negative experiences with people lately as full on narcissistic attacks. Normally I wouldn't think like that, but thinking this way sort of boosts my confidence and belief in myself... Which is something I need and haven't had in a while.

2019-06-19 23:17:42 UTC  

very concerning

2019-06-19 23:19:08 UTC  

Gamers are the supreme race

2019-06-19 23:19:11 UTC  

this way of looking at people as narcissists and shit is fundementally dehumanizing

rise up

2019-06-19 23:26:25 UTC  

Found an old cheesy

2019-06-19 23:26:48 UTC  


2019-06-19 23:27:27 UTC  

what is that

2019-06-19 23:27:42 UTC