Message from @Kid

Discord ID: 592422774035841034

2019-06-23 18:00:08 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:05:44 UTC

2019-06-23 18:06:16 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:06:34 UTC  

le zoomer i am boomer

2019-06-23 18:09:40 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:11:38 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:11:44 UTC  

gamergate was five years ago

2019-06-23 18:12:23 UTC  

the apex of this bullshit

2019-06-23 18:13:00 UTC  

god gamergate was such a shitshow

2019-06-23 18:14:09 UTC  

i was there man

2019-06-23 18:14:12 UTC  

at the beginning

2019-06-23 18:14:17 UTC  

ground zero,/v/

2019-06-23 18:14:45 UTC  

we lost some good men

2019-06-23 18:14:57 UTC  

it was a real wave man

2019-06-23 18:15:10 UTC  

the internet wouldn't be the same without it

2019-06-23 18:26:58 UTC  

where am i

2019-06-23 18:32:53 UTC  

@pd what’s wrong with being a jap

2019-06-23 18:33:15 UTC  

They live pretty good lives besides for the whole birthing crisis n stuff lol

2019-06-23 18:36:23 UTC  

nah their society is pretty fucked

2019-06-23 18:36:30 UTC  

60% of males are single

2019-06-23 18:36:36 UTC  

50% males are single

2019-06-23 18:36:45 UTC  

everything is made to be consumed,everything is artifical

2019-06-23 18:41:17 UTC  

isn't a really big percent of their population elderly aswell

2019-06-23 18:41:30 UTC  

Japan is JUST levels of fucked up

2019-06-23 18:46:52 UTC  

yeah it is

2019-06-23 18:47:04 UTC  

someone needs to come down there and spike those birth rates up

2019-06-23 18:47:10 UTC  

and it's gonna be ME

2019-06-23 18:57:28 UTC  

Japan is really just late stage capitalism in a nut shell

2019-06-23 18:57:50 UTC  

America would have ended up like them if we didn’t have immigration to keep this system going

2019-06-23 19:00:01 UTC  


2019-06-23 19:04:57 UTC  

more people is a bad thing and is ultimately going to ruin the human spirit

2019-06-23 19:06:31 UTC  

@PRKR have you read Linkola

2019-06-23 19:06:47 UTC  

no books are for faggots

2019-06-23 19:06:59 UTC  

Read Linkola

2019-06-23 19:07:01 UTC  


2019-06-23 19:07:08 UTC  

He talks about what you said

2019-06-23 19:07:56 UTC

2019-06-23 19:08:07 UTC  

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

2019-06-23 19:09:06 UTC  

good work now ur gonna make me read a book

2019-06-23 19:09:13 UTC  

...the chief cause for the impending collapse of the world - the cause sufficient in and by itself - is the enormous growth of the human population: the human flood. The worst enemy of life is too much life: the excess of human life. @PRKR