Message from @!✞Vincent ◖◖⬤ / λ

Discord ID: 592873312065945629

2019-06-25 00:10:35 UTC  

i’m visiting a mosque today boys

2019-06-25 00:10:48 UTC  


2019-06-25 00:11:17 UTC  

I actaully saw a muslim guy get ate today.

2019-06-25 00:11:58 UTC  

Big ole wumpus of a dog just chowed down on im

2019-06-25 00:12:17 UTC  

all i’m reading here is “i will behead you infidel”

2019-06-25 00:12:41 UTC

2019-06-25 00:13:27 UTC

2019-06-25 00:15:43 UTC

2019-06-25 00:18:24 UTC

2019-06-25 00:18:29 UTC  


2019-06-25 00:18:52 UTC  

leaked pics of his engagement ring

2019-06-25 00:19:42 UTC  

Retard boomers

2019-06-25 00:19:50 UTC  

Etika was based

2019-06-25 00:25:39 UTC

2019-06-25 00:26:07 UTC  

this is all i can think of anytime i see one of these nintendo fags

2019-06-25 00:26:33 UTC  

yeah when somebody says "i have a switch" thats all i can think of

2019-06-25 00:26:44 UTC  

why would you buy a console with like 4 exclusives

2019-06-25 00:26:52 UTC  

and the rest all multi-platform

2019-06-25 00:28:32 UTC  

video games died with gamer gate

2019-06-25 00:28:40 UTC  

gamer gate was the death rattle of gaming

2019-06-25 00:28:54 UTC  

its about ethics in video game journalism

2019-06-25 00:29:15 UTC  

it was about keeping girls and old ppl and trannies out of video games

2019-06-25 00:29:20 UTC  

it was the last bastion of the NEET

2019-06-25 00:29:23 UTC  

and now its gone

2019-06-25 00:29:28 UTC  


2019-06-25 00:29:37 UTC  

we need to get trump to tweet about gamer gate 3

2019-06-25 00:29:46 UTC  

literally any video game created since then is hiv positive

2019-06-25 00:30:08 UTC  

mundanematt and sargon of akkad will get steve bannon to tweet about gamergate 7

2019-06-25 00:30:35 UTC  

cringe gang

2019-06-25 00:30:46 UTC  

goobergate 2

2019-06-25 00:31:24 UTC  

guys can we get nigel farage to tweet about gamergate 13

2019-06-25 00:48:55 UTC

2019-06-25 00:49:11 UTC  

Who the fuck invited all of these /r/cringeanarchy faggots

2019-06-25 00:49:23 UTC  

"Muh muh drompf"

2019-06-25 00:49:55 UTC  

Art house politics are califaggots