Message from @ITS HE-MA'AM
Discord ID: 462331573744697344
im straight
would he ban slaughterhouses and go full vegan
men that arent chads basicly
dont ban the weeds
he said he would castrate
Homosexuality is quite complicated we dont know if its genetic or developed during puberty
Submit to ALlah
pray away the gay
Homo Camp
sounds like catholic camp
hahahaahaha testosterone man are the gayyest guys
if you put all the homos together they are gonna fuck
Sounds good doesnt work
I know homo camps sounds great
but wouldnt work
it will be a homo orgy camp
What is more masculine than overpowering another man and taking him in the cheeks
yes we do
I Think CharlZen has a crush on The Defyer
Negro - Nazi Love
with JKhydralion
such a cute voice
what what in the butt
Straight anal sex?
The Defyer is anything but normal
@Webber what do you think about abortions
pegging is fun
no its more degrading to get fucked with a strap on
Share your fetishes
what a filthy piece of shit
it's not the bad tbh, just wipe your ass lol
feminist voice: disgustang PIG what a Mysoginy
The ones that are disgusted don't clean themselves is why