Message from @Hernán Cortés
Discord ID: 277936992980041729
RWSS is the best organization template
RWSS = best op
it singlehandledly redeemed for chanology
Oh, yea. I totally agree. But it's community service. Fuck fees.
Let's focus on aesthetics, introduction and friendliness
Don't go full RWDS
RWDS comes later
RWDS is that
Right Wing Death Squads
RWDS for life
>14 votes for matching uniforms
Let's not go full Right Wing Death Squads yet
I swear to fucking god you guys better not go uniform and fuck us all up
Reactionary movment should mean = Do good in school, Don't do drugs, Graduate, Go to church to build a moral foundation, Join the military, Get clearences and Get a Government job, ...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) RWDS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Have a family
Someone mentioned, like, "nonviolent civil service providers". What u mean
I say we identify places where antifa organize and vandalize/harass them
Maybe I should join Antifa
Rwss is a good step for that
Be undercover
@brando Wrong
@SwedeScania do it
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But ill probably die
Ok lads I'm off to sleep I've got work in the morning, I hope my proposal for a British Anticom is taken into consideration and God bless you all.
Be a good conservative and always vote
God Bless You Monarch
@MONARCH gnite bb
You Keep Fighting Commies In Ur Sleep
@SwedeScania night qt 3.14
Haha don't fight back lol
I'm just wondering how to best be a civil service provider. No one really elaborated.
@DoctorPiss kek