Message from @AiarUther

Discord ID: 465369460904034308

2018-07-08 04:09:40 UTC  

Well it is

2018-07-08 04:09:41 UTC  

it's voluntary, at least

2018-07-08 04:09:49 UTC  

so it is

2018-07-08 04:09:49 UTC  

It is more usury

2018-07-08 04:09:58 UTC  

because then some private citizen could hold critical transportation infrastructure hostage and harm national security @AiarUther

2018-07-08 04:10:04 UTC  

Verne it isn’t usery

2018-07-08 04:10:12 UTC  

What is Verne

2018-07-08 04:10:12 UTC  


2018-07-08 04:10:18 UTC  


2018-07-08 04:10:22 UTC  

My bad

2018-07-08 04:10:37 UTC  

@GloriousLaserChicken I can argue from a pragmatic standpoint, you might be right

2018-07-08 04:10:37 UTC  

ahh kk

2018-07-08 04:10:45 UTC  

but from an ethical standpoint, that might be their right

2018-07-08 04:11:09 UTC  

but I am of the opinion that most people aren't that backwardsly non-compliant

2018-07-08 04:11:21 UTC  

So if a group of people collectively decide to pay for a road with an agreement that they can all use it freely, is that ethical?

2018-07-08 04:11:27 UTC  


2018-07-08 04:11:34 UTC  

is this not what the government does?

2018-07-08 04:11:40 UTC  

provided everyone paying for it volunteered to do it

2018-07-08 04:11:50 UTC  

but I can't not pay for the road

2018-07-08 04:11:59 UTC  

Well if moving from a strong liberal democracy to a weak anarchist society allows people to commit crimes unchecked endangering the common man is that not unethical

2018-07-08 04:12:05 UTC  

because the government forces me to pay taxes

2018-07-08 04:12:25 UTC  

You didn't answer my earlier question @AiarUther

2018-07-08 04:12:28 UTC  

What is the government?

2018-07-08 04:12:51 UTC  

so you're asking for a definition?

2018-07-08 04:13:04 UTC  

I'm asking what you think the government is, I suppose

2018-07-08 04:13:18 UTC  

not necessarily a dictionary definition of "government"

2018-07-08 04:13:20 UTC  

what format would you like the answer

2018-07-08 04:13:23 UTC  


2018-07-08 04:13:32 UTC  

@AiarUther lacking a viable alternative to the government your arguments are mute

2018-07-08 04:13:33 UTC  

however you like

2018-07-08 04:14:00 UTC  

I just want to know how you understand what the government is, if that makes sense

2018-07-08 04:14:11 UTC  

@SOTGOR I'm just going to take that statement as an admission that I'm right and proceed to do a victory dance

2018-07-08 04:14:56 UTC  

Your right to some extent as I have been saying sure but lacking a solution I fail to see what you want

2018-07-08 04:15:57 UTC  

I see taxation as evil

2018-07-08 04:16:11 UTC  

and I see no reason to increase that evil as much as strictly neccesary

2018-07-08 04:16:21 UTC  

Taxation is evil to some extent but it is a necessary evil

2018-07-08 04:16:25 UTC  

why I'm a minarchist

2018-07-08 04:16:40 UTC  

Define minarchist

2018-07-08 04:16:52 UTC  

Is that like a libertarian

2018-07-08 04:16:56 UTC  


2018-07-08 04:17:05 UTC  

they are saying on general chat that sargon's new account got banned